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Problem with modifing body mesh


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Hi i tried to modify the nipples on the BBB saya D cup (making them a tad more noticeable and after exporting (used both default and the settings in the bbb weighting tutorial) the mesh seams are visible where the upper body connects to the lower body (with the original it isn't) and i got some wierd things showing on the breasts where i haven't even edited it... screenshot with what i mean:




Could someone please tell me what i'm doing wrong ?

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I'm not sure what your using for a modeling program so I don't know what your able to do, or how you went about modding this mesh but...


Once you UVW wrap, and skin a mesh its sort of set. One way to fix this is to delete the current skinning weights on your project mesh, then import the original mesh and copy / paste it's weights on to your project.


Did you make a new UVW map?


Once the mesh's UVW map has been set you cant move verts around or the polys start pulling texture info from the wrong spots. Also if you made new polys / verts make sure their part of the meshes smoothing groups.


I rely don't have enough info to give a better answer.



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I used blender, i opened the mesh up in blender, edited only the nipples (via vertices) didn't touch anything else, exported, and those where the results. Edited by strike105x
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A simple fix for the problem seen in your picture is to update Tangent Spaces.


Open your nif in Nifskope and goto Spells Tab, Batch Comands, Update All Tangemt Spaces.

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Thank you, that fixed the problem with the breasts now if i could only figure out why it doesn't fit as good as the original with the lower body (their are slightly visible seams) it would be perfect.
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I for one settled on never using the export option "smoothen inter-object seams", as it turned out it does exactly the opposite, it creates them!

Maybe this is the source of your issue here as well, if you didn't touch anything else (regarding the border areas) but just imported and exported.

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