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Stone Age equipment


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I'm not looking for anything major, but I'm curious to whether anyone would be able to take up a request for (mostly) authentic Stone Age weaponry. So, I've been working on a Mesolithic-esq character (guess why), and while I managed to get most of the gear I'm looking for (Immersive Weapons for the Wooden Club, Campfire for Stone Axe and arrows, and Ghosu's Horker Weapons for the dagger), I've looked through all the mods with spears, but so far, none of them seemed suitable (Apart from the Forsworn spear in Heavy Armory, but I've yet to check it out). So, here's what I'm interested in seeing;


Flint -Some kind of mineable stone to work with, really.


Axe -Question; Is it possible to make any other axe capable of chopping firewood other than the Woodcutter's?


Spear -I guess this would probably work best as a battleaxe, I don't mind.

Arrow -The bow, I can take care of, myself.


I'm well aware that there's also the chance that this may end up being overlooked, but eh, worth a shot, I suppose.

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