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What is Your dovakiin's Background

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My character will be named Bobfred the Great.

This is his story:


"Once upon a time..." There was a crazy lady named Morriphlegm. The crazy Morriphlegm did some crazy things (as crazy people tend to do) and had a child. This child was born without arms and had seven legs. Morriphlegm weeped for days on end and refused to eat, eventually succumbing to her hunger and passing away. This left her seven-legged-no-armed child alone in the woods with no one to care for him. But before the elements could claim him, a magical warlock named Frank appeared and took the child.


Frank, thrilled by his new pet fed it much high-elf mince till it grew big and strong. Several years passed and then out of the blue something happened. It spoke. It said "Hungy!!!". It was at this point Frank realized that it was not a bizarre animal, but in fact a bizarre Imperial.


So, heart broken by the fact that his beloved pet was in fact one of the main races, Frank again dumped him into the wilderness.


The poor boy (15 years of age by this point) was lost and confused, but at the same time freaky and strong. For many years to come adventurers travelling into the woods kept disappearing. On occasion bodies were found missing arms and legs.

The local authorities were desperate to find out what was happening, as merchants could not even travel to the nearby towns. They just went missing.


But as it turns out it was all okay. It would appear the writer got bored of thinking what to write, so the creature emerged from the woods, with arms sewn onto it's sides.... and scars where extra legs used to be. It was, for all intents and purposes, just a really messed up looking Imperial.


The locals called it Bobfred and that is were our journey begins. The journey of.... Dovahkin!!!!! <insert climatic Skyrim Trailer music here>


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Skimlok is an Argonian assassin that was recently paid to eliminate a high-profile target near the borders of Skyrim. He had travelled for three days before finally reaching the target's house, wearing nothing but his Shrouded Armor and Hood.

He drew his enchanted dagger as he entered the house, but to his surprise he was met by a group of Nords in heavy armor!


He was later arrested and charged with first-degree murder, and sent to the Skyrim jails for execution... :thumbsup:

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One of the characters has to be a descendent of the Adoring Fan from Oblivion who runs around dual weilding torches until the dragons go away...... Would be at least challenging to survive if nothing else.

You could always annoy the dragons to death :laugh:


1: Argonian alchemist who has turned to assassination and thievery contracts to get money to feed his family who live, suppressed, in wherever they live (Black Marsh?). Relies on poisoned arrows and daggers to kill his contracts. Wears light, leather armour to provide some protection whilst not inhibitting movement. Leather because it is cheap and he can send more money to his family. Origionally travelled to Skyrim because of a contract from the Dark Brotherhood sanctuary in Cheydinhal which has a really high bounty but got caught crossing the boarder with illegal alchemical items (poisons). All of his stuff is confiscated by the guards, so he has to get new weapons and poisons. He somehow escapes his guards and looks for work to buy equipment to finnish his contract, but gets sidetracked when he discovers he is a dragonborn and goes on whatever the main quest is.


2: A Breton Spellsword, who is the last dragonborn, flees Cyrodil as a fugitive because, with no emperor to govern, the counts and countess' think "hmm I want more land" and start fighting over control of the empire. Some people want him dead either because they are descendants of the cultists of the Mythic Dawn, because they are angry at him for not taking up the throne because he is a dragonborn, or simply because he isn't part of any of the count's armies and they just kill anyone who may be a threat to their power.

Edited by 10dmcghee
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I know they do the whole "leave out the background" thing so that people can come up with their own, but I never do..


Edit: I feel like I weirdly worded what I wrote before.


I always pretend that either:

1. My character is an independent being (maybe a deity, maybe not) that projectsb himself into the hero's life, Quantum Leap style.


2. Skyrim's hero is the reincarnation of Oblivion's reincarnation of Morrowind's reincarnation of Daggerfall's reincarnation of Arena's hero. But the soul that is being reincarnated doesn't "awaken" until that famous prison moment in their life when the game starts. I guess I got this because I began TES with Morrowind, heh.


I guess that by these logics, though, you would either have to believe that Indoril Nerevar was actually a reincarnate himself, or the events of Morrowind were "forced" prophecy instead of real prophecy.


Main issue being that Morrowind only happened 7 or so years before Oblivion. If you ever play Battlespire or Redguard, you'll have the same issue

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Aqullies, grew up a regular imperial country boy, helping his foster parents on the farm, until one day his mother asked him to fetch her some unique kind of mushrooms, so he goes off into the great oak forest and stumbles across an old witch, and as he was trying to walk around her she begins casting shouts at him, complaining that he is the last heir of the blades in his blood line, and the rightful king of tambial. well he's not sure if he believes her but it made him feel proud inside, so he goes to ask his parents and they put their heads down and said, they've been dreading on telling him this all my life, because they were afraid of loosing him and putting him in harms way. Then they tell him the story about how he came to become their son. His real father had plans to kill him, by putting him in a basket when he was 2 weeks old and sending me down a river, for reasons not known to this day. luckily this young couple found him, in a royal robe inside the cradle hung by a few branches in the river, and knew he must have been some kind of royalty, until they got the news that the young prince had been slain in his sleep as a child. so knowing that he's the rightful heir of the throne, he proudly leaves my parents, and goes kingdom to kingdom looking for soldiers to fight for his cause on regaining his rightful throne. After months and years of campaigning, he finally set out towards the imperial city. The battle takes a horrible turn and he lost all but three of his soldiers in the battle, then a dragon from skyrim crossed the border and torched everyone else, both good and bad, except Aqullies. Those few good men that the dragon torched were his closest friends in the recent months, so he changes his mind about taking over the throne in the imperial city, and sets out on a journey of tracking down the dragon that killed his best friends. So brusied and bloodied, he follows the dragon through the mountains of Jerall, towards skyrim. The dragon flies faster than Aqullies can walk, after toying with him all the way through tambrial, shooting him occasionally with fire, making sure he's still conscience. It's as if the dragon purposely was leading him towards skyrim. As a predator toying with it's pray. Once Aqullies reaches the border of skyrim, the dragon is no where in sight. But the guards capture him for trasspassing, after aqullies brusied, bloodied, and sore kills three out of the ten guards. They drag him from his knees all the way to his execution. Once Aqullies escapes from prison, he has one thought in mind. That dragon must die, and i will kill every OTHER dragon that resembles him. I am Dragon Born, the rightful heir of the blades, and no one can stop me, the rightful king of Tambrial.


Issue there being that the Dragons do not come into Tamriel until a bit into the game.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Aqullies, grew up a regular imperial country boy, helping his foster parents on the farm, until one day his mother asked him to fetch her some unique kind of mushrooms, so he goes off into the great oak forest and stumbles across an old witch, and as he was trying to walk around her she begins casting shouts at him, complaining that he is the last heir of the blades in his blood line, and the rightful king of tambial. well he's not sure if he believes her but it made him feel proud inside, so he goes to ask his parents and they put their heads down and said, they've been dreading on telling him this all my life, because they were afraid of loosing him and putting him in harms way. Then they tell him the story about how he came to become their son. His real father had plans to kill him, by putting him in a basket when he was 2 weeks old and sending me down a river, for reasons not known to this day. luckily this young couple found him, in a royal robe inside the cradle hung by a few branches in the river, and knew he must have been some kind of royalty, until they got the news that the young prince had been slain in his sleep as a child. so knowing that he's the rightful heir of the throne, he proudly leaves my parents, and goes kingdom to kingdom looking for soldiers to fight for his cause on regaining his rightful throne. After months and years of campaigning, he finally set out towards the imperial city. The battle takes a horrible turn and he lost all but three of his soldiers in the battle, then a dragon from skyrim crossed the border and torched everyone else, both good and bad, except Aqullies. Those few good men that the dragon torched were his closest friends in the recent months, so he changes his mind about taking over the throne in the imperial city, and sets out on a journey of tracking down the dragon that killed his best friends. So brusied and bloodied, he follows the dragon through the mountains of Jerall, towards skyrim. The dragon flies faster than Aqullies can walk, after toying with him all the way through tambrial, shooting him occasionally with fire, making sure he's still conscience. It's as if the dragon purposely was leading him towards skyrim. As a predator toying with it's pray. Once Aqullies reaches the border of skyrim, the dragon is no where in sight. But the guards capture him for trasspassing, after aqullies brusied, bloodied, and sore kills three out of the ten guards. They drag him from his knees all the way to his execution. Once Aqullies escapes from prison, he has one thought in mind. That dragon must die, and i will kill every OTHER dragon that resembles him. I am Dragon Born, the rightful heir of the blades, and no one can stop me, the rightful king of Tambrial.


Issue there being that the Dragons do not come into Tamriel until a bit into the game.


Wait, i thought they come at the start of the game?

Awww crap i dont start out fighting a cool dragon D:

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From Nesmith “Random dragon attacks won’t happen right away. When they first start, you will have companions with you or be able to use the environment to your advantage, and the dragon will be one of the weaker ones. As the game progresses, you fight tougher dragons and are on your own more often." LeopoldCrank is correct.
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My character will be named Bobfred the Great.

This is his story:


"Once upon a time..." There was a crazy lady named Morriphlegm. The crazy Morriphlegm did some crazy things (as crazy people tend to do) and had a child. This child was born without arms and had seven legs. Morriphlegm weeped for days on end and refused to eat, eventually succumbing to her hunger and passing away. This left her seven-legged-no-armed child alone in the woods with no one to care for him. But before the elements could claim him, a magical warlock named Frank appeared and took the child.


Frank, thrilled by his new pet fed it much high-elf mince till it grew big and strong. Several years passed and then out of the blue something happened. It spoke. It said "Hungy!!!". It was at this point Frank realized that it was not a bizarre animal, but in fact a bizarre Imperial.


So, heart broken by the fact that his beloved pet was in fact one of the main races, Frank again dumped him into the wilderness.


The poor boy (15 years of age by this point) was lost and confused, but at the same time freaky and strong. For many years to come adventurers travelling into the woods kept disappearing. On occasion bodies were found missing arms and legs.

The local authorities were desperate to find out what was happening, as merchants could not even travel to the nearby towns. They just went missing.


But as it turns out it was all okay. It would appear the writer got bored of thinking what to write, so the creature emerged from the woods, with arms sewn onto it's sides.... and scars where extra legs used to be. It was, for all intents and purposes, just a really messed up looking Imperial.


The locals called it Bobfred and that is were our journey begins. The journey of.... Dovahkin!!!!! <insert climatic Skyrim Trailer music here>




That's fantastic! Though I can't help but wonder...



Is the mother really Morrigan from Dragon Age: Origins? She escaped into another universe through the Eluvian at the end of the Witch Hunt DLC with a baby born with the soul of a dragon.


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Big nord from Solthsiem. Decided to leave the wild island for Skyrim, cause he isn't into all into hunting and fending off random short elf raids for the rest of his life, and wanted adventure. Drinking in a tavern one night, a big brawl ensues. some people are badly injured, and one person is killed. Of course, he passed out in the bar, and when the gaurds get there, being lazy they haul him off and say he is the murderer.
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Do'Shavir is a Khajiit assassin formerly employed by the dark brotherhood. His latest contract had him crossing the border from Cyrodil to Skyrim with the intent to assassinate a target of great importance. Things take a terrible turn of events as his target has been suspect for quite some time of an attempt on his life. Paranoid, he hires a small group of bodygaurd in secret, to hide in the shadows until the moment comes when Do'Shavir enters the target's home. He is captured and put on trial for treason and conspiracy to commit murder (as I said, the target was of high importance), and sentenced to death. After 13 years of waiting on death row, his time has come. This is the beginning of the epic tale of the Dovakiin.


Ooooh how I hope that this execution is inturrupted by a huge pack of dragons-or maybe even Akatosh or Talos (Tiber Septim, I believe) show up to help out the Dragonborn!


I feel like i should say, this is not one of my oblivion characters, as I'm 90% sure the Khajiit don't have long lifespans like the Dunmer. And he isn't a Vampire. Yet...


EDIT: Oh no! Ritchiethemerc has a massively similar background! I swear I'm not stealing! Grrrrrr now i gotta think of another background... Grr

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