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What is Your dovakiin's Background

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Isolde der Starkad was born in a small cottage in the woods of Skyrim to Nordic parents. Her father insisted that they live out of sight and far from towns and villages for their own safety. Safety from what, he never told her. One day, when Isolde was still a child, her mother fell ill and she died on the road to a healer. Isolde's father, out of guilt that they lived so far from civilization, and her wife died because of it, decided to move to the city of Jehanna (High Rock), just across Skyrim's border. There, Isolde grew up in a small town with the Bretons, learned the way of the magic, and came to appreciate the finer things in life, becoming distant to her barbaric origins. To prevent this, her dad taught her to be a huntress and fighter, for it could be necessary in the future. When she turned 18, she married her childhood friend Leon and all 3 started living together in a small house. But one night, a group of Dunmer assassins attacked their home. They slew Isolde's father in his sleep, but Isolde and Leon awoke to the noise and ran away through the back door, to the woods, but the assassins pursued them. Leon cast a strong protection spell on Isolde to protect her, but was unable to protect himself until the assassins caught him. Isolde hid behind a tree and watched silently the Dunmers kill her husband and venture into the woods to look for her. When they disappeared from sight, she came out and kneeled near Leon's dead body, crying. There she found a dagger, on it etched the family name "Velothren". She then carried Leon's body all the way back home, and the next day, during the two men's funeral, she bid farewell to her friends and neighbors because she was parting for Skyrim. Since her childhood, she had heard the name Velothren a lot. They were a noble Dunmer clan, ruthless and greedy with power. After the destruction of Vvardenfell, they had fled to Skyrim and settled there. For some reason that Isolde didn't know yet, they wanted her dead. She asked around in an inn and learned the approximate whereabouts of the Velothren manor. She was fully equipped when she arrived. She killed all the mercenaries and guards in the manor, and all those who tried fighting her. Finally, she ascended to the master bedroom, where the Patriarch Velothren was residing. She knew he was the head of all this. "Why did you do this?" she asked him. "Why do you want me dead?" The patriarch didn't reply. Isolde took out her dagger. The patriarch, in fear, anwered "Because you are a threat!" Isolde didn't understand. "I'm a threat to no one. I'm just a simple commoner. I.. I had never hurt anyone until this day.." The patriarch smirked. "But you have the power to. See what you did to my home. So destructive when you want to. You have the power in your blood, in your soul. That's why we had to dispose of your father too. Because you..." Isolde felt both her pain and temper rise up when she heard her father's name. This was it, her father's killer was in front of her, and she was still letting him talk rather than killing him right there. Without further hesitation she stabbed him in the chest. But the patriarch hadn't finished his sentence yet. With his last breath, he continued, "...you are the Dragonborn"
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my character was roundhouse kicked across the skyrim border by chuck norris


strangely, this made me lol...

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fuego el muerte de pollo.


hahah "Fire the death of chicken" ?


should be "El incinerador de pollo!"


"The chicken incinerator!"

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I might actually bring my namesake out of retirement. She's mixed heritage--Nord, Dunmer, and....something else not lore appropriate at all. For all the mixed heritage, she's no mere Mary Sue: not a great beauty (pleasingly average I'd say) not everyone loves her (one aspect of her heritage is subtly off-putting. Many people pick up on it and tend to shy away, so I'd say her personality is about 30 for that reason.) and she can't do it all and sure as hell doesn't know it all :P She's a Nightblade.


How'd she end up in jail? Bar brawl. Sometimes people have a hostile reaction to her because of what they sense, and this guy gets in her face. She doesn't like brawling, tries to defuse the situation, and he hits her. She fights back, a brawl breaks out, and everyone is tossed in jail overnight.

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fuego el muerte de pollo.


hahah "Fire the death of chicken" ?


should be "El incinerador de pollo!"


"The chicken incinerator!"


I meant to say fuego la muerte de los pollos wich means fire death of chicken


thats good too lol

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Incánus, A friendly old Wizard of Imperial origin, is known for his magic tricks that bring Joy to the Hearts of Children, and can interest even the most Stubborn of Men (oh those Nords!)

Despite his Personality, He also learned the way of a Mage, fighting under the Name of a Great, suave Dark Elf named Miniver, . Trying to leave his past behind, He is captured by Miniver's men and is taken across the Borders of Skyrim. Guards Spot him and the Dark Elves, and take fire from their Long Bows. Luckily, Incanus is captured rather than killed, believed to be the Leading a high rank assassination. Incanus will redeem himself of his past sins





On my second play through, i shall be Gandalf the White, (using console commands) and be the greatest wizard in skyrim

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Mine will be a sly, sinister dark elf who always how to get himself out of a situation and knows his way around a spell. At age 10, he killed his parents and lived on his own as a wanderer, stealing from people until age 17 when he formed his own dark clan of murderers and thieves. He is not part of the Dark Brotherhood or Thieves Guild (in fact he despises both groups). He has a sick sense of humor and twisted mind (much like the Joker from the Dark Knight) and has no fear of death, be it his own or someone else's. He was willingly taken to prison after slaughtering a family and living in their home in secret for 3 months, also using their dead bodies as a food source. He is waiting to be executed, although underneath his dark hood is a wicked smile, as he knows that he will find a way out, and that he will kill again. He is no fool, however. When he receives the role of Dragonborn, he accepts the role with open arms, knowing of the blood, money, and infamy that will soon be his.
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