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What is Your dovakiin's Background

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My character, Juryk Valyndorf, was born in Windhelm, Skyrim. Him and some childhood friends started a little adventurer 'gang' so-to-speak. And they would go around and explore dungeons and caves and all sorts of places and get all the loot and treasure they could and make fortouns (misspelled.). Well one day they heard of an ancient Nordic gravesite with a magical staff call the Curl of Burls. It was heard to be priceless. So they went to this gravesite and started to look around. Well sure enough it was controlled by some Imperial Legion. They didn't know why the Legion had set up a site there but they came to get their staff. So going in and killing all the Legion is what they did. For they all really didn't like the Legion anyway, they didn't care. Eventually more came and killed all but Juryk. And thats how he ends up in prison.

I know it might not be good, I came up with it on the spot. Besides my name. :biggrin:

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I finally re-thoughtout my charecters background, i disided to go deeper into his past. Here it is (I put this on the first post in this forum):


Gabriel Lionheart, an imperial male was born in skyrim, but his family heritage comes from Cyrodiil. He is the descendant of; Altair Al-Sayf(Morrowind Charecter) and Cleric Ibn La-Ahad(Oblivion Charecter). (Altair's last name is pronounced Al-Say-ef)

Both of his ancestors were legendary, and when Gabriel was six years of age, he decided he wanted to grow up and be engraved in history just like his ancestors.


At twelve, both his parents died, killed by bandits on the road back home. Gabriel vowed revenge, and to kill the first bandit he met. His father left Gabriel behind two swords, each of them belonged to his ancestors Cleric and Altair. The swords were pure silver, they shined in the sun and as bright as the heavens.

These swords were named: Anduril (Altair's sword, obtained it from Aragorn himself!) and Sancti (Cleric's sword, forged by Cleric himself). The two swords were passed down through Gabriel's bloodline, and were now given to him.

The rest of his childhood/teenage life, he was raised by a close friend of his father, a priest, who was once a warrior now retired. He taught Gabriel all about the world of Tamriel, how to fight with all kinds of weapons, how to use spells, the rules he must follow in Skyrim and all about the gods, the nine divines.

Gabriel never believed the nine divines existed. If they did exist, how could they let his parents die like that?! Why did they have to take them away from him?!

Over the years, the priest was almost like a second father to him. At 18, the priest was dying from disease. On his deathbed, he told Gabriel to leave and explore the world and make his name in history like his ancestors did.


Many years later, Gabriel was 24, a young adult. He was a full time warrior, he spent most of his life protecting pilgrims from bandits on the way to towns, making sure they wouldnt suffer the same fate his parents did. And also, exploring skyrim! Dual-Wielding Anduril and Sancti.

Even though he was a warrior, Gabriel did practice some magic in his free time, mainly to help him with tasks such as casting fire so he can see in the dark and any other bloody thing he needed spells for.


One day, he was sitting in an inn, He saw a pumpkin on a table nearby. Although, he couldnt see what it was. After all, he was very tired from waking up early. So he walked over to the pumpkin and picked it up to try and identify it. All the sudden everyone in the Inn shouted out and pointed "THIEF! THIEF!".

Sadly, poor Gabriel forgot that it was against the law to "lift up" objects.


Someone was calling for the guards. Gabriel didnt want to be in jail for the rest of his life, he wanted to be engraved in history and be a hero!

So, Gabriel ran out of the Inn. He will escape to Cyrodiil, where his family came from. But to get there, he had to cross the borders of skyrim. The worst law to ever break!

"Ah hell, i'm in enougth trouble anyway!" Gabriel thought to himself.

And so, he crossed the borders of Skyrim, but just there, the guards caught him and arrested him and they confiscated his swords Anduril and Sancti.

He was thrown in jail. He was about to get executed.

In the prison, the guard on duty told Gabriel that "lifting up other peoples objects is only a law in Cyrodiil. But, you crossed the borders of Skyrim which is the biggest crime ever!"

So Gabriel wasnt really in trouble afterall.




...And if your wandering what the hell happened to his swords, Anduril and Sancti, they are destroyed by accident (possibly by a dragon) during his execution and when he goes to retrieve them, he finds them broken, and un repairable

Edited by TheMysteriousTraveler
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Wow, yours is really good. Very descriptive and in-good detail. :thumbsup:
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  • 1 month later...

My character will be a female Breton, in her teens, named Kirrian Phex. She is from a large city in high rock, I think probably jehenna. She was most likely the daughter of a female thief, because she was originally found in a drop site for thieves, a place where thieves left their stolen goods for a certain fence.


She was taken by whoever found her to an ad hoc group that represented the major burglary specialists in the area. None claimed her. She was dropped off at a temple of Mara, and spent the first 12 years of her life there. However, one of the groundskeepers in the temple was secretly a priest of Nocturne, and he took her under his wing.


Phex sat at the old priest's knee, learning all sorts of tales of skullduggery and crime. The priest had major ties to the criminal elements in the city that were strictly non-violent offenders: pickpockets and burglars, con artists and gamblers.


phex left the temple at the age of 12, by which time she could read. She basically was a guttersnipe. She was not the most agile thief, but she was one of the smarter ones, and frequently planned the minor hi jinks of the street kids.


one night, she broke into a local mage's house, which she had been casing and was sure he was not home. She went in, and found a large mirror which seemed to show a totally different room. when she touched the mirror, her hand went through! She went through the mirror, and found that she was in another mage's home. When she tried to get back through the mirror, it would not work. She heard noises and hid. Two mages arrived, and one of them went through the mirror. The second mage, however was onto her. He grabbed her and said she was lucky he knew what it was to be hungry and desperate, checked her pockets and flung her out his front door. So there she was outside in some town in skyrim. She spent a few days on the street, trying to get back into the mage's house. He eventually believed her story that she had come through the mirror. He explained that the mirror was an old family heirloom and that it basically could exist in two places at once, serving as a portal. the other "part" of the mirror was with his brother in jehenna.


but the problem was that the mirror could only be activated during the full moon. So she bided her time, and did small chores and errands for the mage, who was a really kind person.


one night he sent her out to get alchemical supplies...some of which were illicit. she met with his supplier but while she was in the supplier's home, they were both attacked by a masked robber. the robber knocked her out cold and stabbed the supplier in the heart, dropping the dagger and leaving. She came to, and it was as she was trying to rouse the supplier (she never saw anyone die before, and was hoping he was passed out.) that the guards burst in. She was declared a murderer and sentenced.



She is interested in alchemy and magic, but her dreams have always been of skullduggery and derring do. She is basically chaotic good in D and D terms, but she has a dark streak. She was raised by a priest who taught her robbing the rich was was they deserved, but to never steal from the poor. She had some sympathies for political agitators who wanted to use violence against oppression, but she has never wielded a weapon and used it to harm someone. it was a kind of unwritten rule that the guttersnipes beat on each other but never killed one another. being a girl she has avoided any serious physical confrontation.




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For anyone who has read Bernard Cornwell's Saxon series they will know whom I will model my character after. A Nord named Uhtred with a long sword named Serpent Breath and a short sword named Wasp Sting who's loyalties are turn between the Nord rebels who are his people and the Imperial Legion who raised him. Haven't decided who he'll side with yet.
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For anyone who has read Bernard Cornwell's Saxon series they will know whom I will model my character after. A Nord named Uhtred with a long sword named Serpent Breath and a short sword named Wasp Sting who's loyalties are turn between the Nord rebels who are his people and the Imperial Legion who raised him. Haven't decided who he'll side with yet.



I love the books. I had a Nord in Oblivion modeled after Uhtred.

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Name: Sorren

Race: Nord

Age: 30-ish

Looks: Tall, heavily built, dirty blond hair, blue eyes, scars, a giant grin with several missing teeth, scruffy beard, and a honest but strong face.

Skills: 1 handed dual weapons, light armor (subject to change), very little magic

Personality: Once a serious, honorable family man. Now he lives life to the fullest. Tomorrow you could be a steaming pile of dragon poo.


The 3rd son to a blacksmith, Sorren leaves home to seek his own life out of his brother's shadow. With the family business going to his eldest brother, and the second born as his apprentice, this leaves Sorren without a reason to stay in Skyrim.


At the age of seventeen he leaves the small Forge and joins the Imperial Legion. Serving for nearly 13 years, Sorren makes a name for himself among his fellow soldiers. He is known for being strong, quick, intelligent, and dependable. Most of his time with the legion is spent in Bruma and the surrounding mountains. With over a decade of fighting and military training to draw upon, the tall and broad shouldered Nord gains a reputation for being a fierce and effecient fighter.


While patrolling near the Skyrim border, Sorren and several other soldiers come upon a burnt out farm. The old man who lived there is near death and tells the skeptical soldiers of dragons. When they find the ripped apart livestock and the tracks of the creatures in the snow, the men begin to believe.


Investigating nearby homes and villages, they hear more and more stories of the flying beasts everyone thought extinct. While questioning villagers, a man on a faltering horse rides into town and tells them of Dragons killing livestock and the owners, before burning down a forge and killing most of the family that lived there. By the man's description, Sorren fears it is his family and childhood home that has been attacked.


When he asks for permission of several weeks of leave from his superiors, they deny it. After waiting several days and trying all the correct channels to gain permission to check on his family, Sorren decides to go without it.


Successfully getting away from the legion, he heads with speed for his family home. Upon arriving, Sorren finds the smithy has been burnt and that his father, mother, and the middle brother have all died. The attack left his eldest brother with a missing arm and mad in the head. While trying to find a way to make sure his last family member will be cared for, the legion catch up with him and arrest Sorren for desertion....



This is the quick and to the point version. I plan on joining the Stormcloaks with Sorren. I want to RP him as a man with nothing left to lose and no fear of death. But, I don't want him to be the brooding and serious type either. Sorren has a positive but wreckless view of the world and life in general after becoming free and missing his date with the executioner. He loves women, not caring if they are tall, skinny, short, fat, ugly or pretty. With a love of strong mead and a nearly crazy love for punishment, Sorren stays in trouble and never backs out of a fight.

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Mine is an Imperial Agent sent to Skyrim to put down the rebellion by unconventional means in total secrecy. Whilst the Imperial Army battles the rebels, they are unaware that the Emperor has sent one of his most trusted but least conventional agents to Skyrim to put down the leaders of the rebellion and it's sympathizers by any means necessary.


Ridiculously cold blooded, this character considers the Dragon blood to be a tool rather than a sign of prophecy, and will use it with the sole purpose of subjugating the North, albeith threats that could come to haunt the Imperial heartland may take priority. If a Dragon kills Nords, it's of little concern, but once it's clear that all of Tamriel may be endangered, the primary mission could take a temporary backseat. As soon as this business is dealt with however, this will be a character infiltrating everything (perfect justification to become leader of multiple guilds) in order to find out just who is being disloyal to the Empire aside from the obvious ringleaders. Smiles and supportive handshakes during the day will be followed by the whispers of the shadow of Death at night, with every enemy of the Imperial City ideally dying in their sleep, drained to the very last drop of separatist blood. Oh yes, the Dragonborn is a Vampire. 8)


( I will obviously reconcile the intro through the fact that the secretiveness of the mission prevents my character from blabbing to the army about being an agent, unlike the idiot that tries to run and gets shot. In the mind of my character, there's no doubt an opportunity to escape beheading without revealing cause of presence will present itself. It's sad if a few imperial soldiers have to die on the way out, but the mission comes first. After all, the Emperor himself gave direct orders.)

Edited by Valamyr
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