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Permanent apparel effect bug?


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Hi, everyone. :) Hope you are all well and healthy.


I was playing New Vegas today that I suddenly realized that 'Duster' effect (Charisma +1, Guns +5) is active while I was wearing a Combat Armor (which dose not have any apparel effect). I unequipped it and went to pipboy screen and the effect was still there. I checked my S.P.E.C.I.A.L screen to see that whether it's boosting my stats or not, and it was. It's really strange... I even used 'player.removeallitems' command and it was still there. And when I equip a duster (for example Bounty Hunter Duster) it says (Charisma +2, Guns +10) and boosts my stats accordingly.


I loaded some of my previous saves and it was there all the time. Fortunately I have all my saves so I went as far back as my first visit to Primm before getting the 'Sheriff's Duster' from body of ex-sheriff of Primm and the bug wasn't there. So it's obvious that it occurred some time after I equipped 'Sheriff's Duster'.


In an any case, how am I able to remove this permanent duster effect? Is there a console command for it?


thanks in advance. :)

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