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Can't fix broken meshes.


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I was wondering why in the heck all of my Redguards had doughy white arms and legs while wearing certain pieces of clothing.


Immediately suspecting what the problem likely was, I went and looked at the Male clothing meshes in NifSkope (these are vanilla meshes converted for Robert's Male that I downloaded), and sure enough, the problem was occuring because the part of the mesh that has the exposed arms/legs had its material assigned as "shirt" instead of "skin". Now clue how this could have got messed up.


But I can't seem to repair it, because if I try to correct it by typing "skin" in the material name field, the material of all the other parts of the mesh becomes "skin" as well, which is even worse.


Please, oh please help me, I desperately want to fix this. :(

Edited by Lehcar
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