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FO3 > FONV assets


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Hi all,


Is it "illegal" to use assets from FO3 in a FONV mod? I read somewhere that the reason an RL-3 mod had not been made yet was bc of legalities involving the sound files from FO3. Is this true?


I'm planning a mod and wanted to use the supermarket from FO3 along with a few of the buildings from the Capital Wasteland (and some other architecture,) then mash it up with some stuff from FONV. Then release as a NV mod. But I wanted to know what my options were before I started importing the assets.




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Many of the assets from FO3 are already in the FONV, and many of them are not used in the game. Basically, anything that is included in the FONV game - including those assets that were not used is OK to use. However, if it if from FO3 and NOT included - then no.
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