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Fallout 4 Restoration Mod?


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We've all had that feeling. You know, how there are such nice spots in the world and yet they're only made for killing some more god damned raiders when you know they originally had a purpose. Are you sick of the cheap and lousy endings that don't allow you to have more diverse relationships between factions or outcomes when you know there are even recorded lines that were made for these endings? I sure am! So tell me, once the Creation Kit comes out, who's planning on making a mod that restores these cut endings (Such as being able to become the leader of the Brotherhood of Steel) and original area purposes (Like the Combat Zone and that one Robot Racing area along the coast). Anyone at all?

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The mod that you suggested is not necessarily specific. the short answer is yes. someone in the community will likely restore cut content. considering that some aspects have already been restored without a specific item, members of the community can't really be like. "Yes I will make this mod" because you haven't suggested specific content, but rather given a blanket term for all the cut content ever. I neglected to respond originally because some threads like this without a clear direction, I feel aren't exactly what this forum is for, and I imagined would die out if they're ignored. if you want a specific mod, say


"Consider a mod like this, With these features, so that this can happen. Is this even feasible?"


I apollogise. I am operating off -2 hours of sleep, so I might sound cranky. I am, but it's not you're fault and I need to stop being an asshole. are we good here? or is there something I've left unclear as to why your post didn't take off?

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Oh hey, I see my cut content mods in there. The issue is with scripting, It's a pain in the ass to do without tools to support them. The problem with the combat zone as I have myself looked over is that there's only a smattering of visible content. There's so much scripting behind the scenes that needs to be put back together and with that it still might be necessary to make up new scripts from scratch.

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