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Adding skills back into Fallout 4.


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With the Fallout 4 Creation Kick nearing it's release, and currently in closed beta, I figured I'd bring up this idea. The World's Dawn (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73094/?) mod for Skyrim inspired this idea, as it manages to add the Attributes from previous Elder Scrolls games (Agility, Luck, etc.) into that game. With this in mind, could someone devise a mod that could add the skill system back into Fallout 4? I realize it wouldn't be perfect at the start, but with enough time and tweaking, we might be able to add some missing depth to Fallout 4's gameplay.

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the overhaul will probably come. the real question is if it will align with what you want from your game. and that's dubious at best. best of luck to you finding the mod you want. and remember if it doesn't come, or isn't the way you want, you too can don the CK and try your hand at modding.

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