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Reverse Blades


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I've only done this with my own models, but I'm pretty sure you can do it to existing nifs by using the transform window (I think thats what it's called, it has position and rotation options in it) in nifSkope to rotate it 180 degrees.
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hmm... ok. bring the mesh into Blender or 3DSmax then rotate the whole thing and re-export, by default the blade should be pointing along the positive X direction (i think) make the blade point along the negative X direction (if it is indeed on the X axis...).


Alternativly - see if you can rotate the node not the model in NifSkope. I can't check now as I'm at work, but I'm not sure if the node is on the weapon or if it just uses the pivot point to attatch to the character's rig

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Yes, there is, and it's right here


God, when are people gonna get used to using the god damn search-system??


Panzer was wanting to do this to a specific dagger, not all of them.


Thanks threedees. Furthermore, I want to learn how to do it, not take from another person.


Anyway, a friend of mine helped out a bit. You have to rotate the model, but not the collision.


Feel free to lock teh postzorz.

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