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OBSE 0012


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I've noticed some interesting things with OBSE 12. Some mods work, some don't. One would at first attribute that to the mod, but in my case the OBSE demo starts when pressing the "m" key, and then nothing happens. I get the screen "OBSE v0009 Demo" and "Proceed." When I click proceed, nothing happens. Please note, that my zip file is OBSE_0012.zip. I figure the mods that work, use OBSE 9 or earlier, and the ones that don't use later. I have not run OBSE until this time.


I'm running Shivering Isles with the 1.2.0416 patch. I also tried OCOL, located here: http://www.tessource.net/files/file.php?id=9400.


Anyone have any ideas why the later mods are nonfunctional? :wacko:

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