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SkyUi for FO4? - FallUI?


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Anyone know if anyone is making a FO4 Version of SkyUI?


The best alternate is DEF_UI by Neanka and Valdacil, However they announced that DEF_UI will not be fully compatible with the upcoming 1.5 patch, and will not be updated anymore, so DEF_UI will become extinct when the 1.5 patch rolls out....

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DEF_HUD only covers a part of what SkyUI is.


To make a SkyUI system in FO4, we first need an equivalent to the UI Script so that we have a way to communicate with the user interface files via script.


I imagine that the F4SE team will put that together once the CK is public (maybe before?).

Edited by waterlogic
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DEF_HUD only covers a part of what SkyUI is.


To make a SkyUI system in FO4, we first need an equivalent to the UI Script so that we have a way to communicate with the user interface files via script.


I imagine that the F4SE team will put that together once the CK is public (maybe before?).

So, could be anytime now since the CK is out? :D

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