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Im trying to get this mod called "Classic Advanced Power Armor" textures to work but they just WONT. Ive tried archive invalidation millions of times, doesnt do a thing, ive tried EVERYTHING and just want a answer, any help will be GREATLY appreciated. :sad: Here is a picture of what im talking about.


EDIT: It seems the textures on the armor take the texture of whatever im close to. HELP. Sorry for the obnoxious title, I just want help as ive been trying to fix this for a month now. I should also add that this occurs with some other weapons as well and is EXTREMELY annoying. Help?




Edited by Fa7al27
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Have you checked the actual mod file to see what files it's calling for, and then to see if the files are really there? Oftentimes modders have multiple versions of their files in their Data directory, and it works for them, then they release it and don't include the files in the right places.
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