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Add Dodge To Cover and more


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Haven't seen it anywhere yet, though it seems quite logical to me.

I don't think it would be hard to make - I don't know anything about modding except tweaking .ini files - but if someone could help to make it myself...

If anyone can give me a clue where to start Learning it would be fine :)



That would be a good start to make a complete overhaul of the game : my idea is that, instead of emphasizing on battle, the game would really benefit giving more place to the sneaky part and respect the lore. I take my ideas from a lot of mods already published, and add some new ones :

- advent trooper should be a lot stronger since the beginning, since they have better material, that's just .ini files tweak

- soldier progression should reflect that they are no militaries when recruited - since it's guerilla - so they would probably have lower base stat with better levelling in the beginning (and finish to the same level)

- most missions (especially guerilla ones) should focus on the objective rather killing everyone, which would be more difficult because of above. That's not really a mod but rather the goal I'd like to achieve.

- I like the mod "Call in Reinforcement", yet it does'nt fit for 2 reasons : first is that it can call an advent officer which will call another transport and so on, second is that there should always be reinforcement on missions, especially alien installation and goldpath missions - it always bothered me that ADVENT would wait until the last soldier death before sending reinforcement. I think I would use the timer to set the next ennemies reinforcement rather than destroying the objective. It often seems weird when I listen to dear Bradford saying "the alien don't know we are here but they will destroy their precious materials because why not."

- a few tweaks to emphasize on every weapon features, just like most other overhauls


TL;DR : more stealth and guerilla, harder fights



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