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Game crashes at Goodpsrings Wilderness


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All of the sudden my game crashes around the goodsprings wilderness.

I exit the prospector saloon and it just crashes. Seems the

whole area around it is effected and i have no mods loading.


I tried loading the area in the geck (again with no mods or any plugins activated), but it just continues to crash

around the same area.

EDIT: After restarting the computer, i got it working in the geck without mods, but ingame with mods or no mods

it still crashes!


If it were some godforsaken area at the end of the map, i would not care, but this is goodsprings and i wanted to start a new game. :wacko:


What could this potentially be caused by? Yesterday it works fine and today it just crashes on me?! I also did not change anything with my computer.



PS: Granted i got mods and stuff in the data folder, but i cannot think of anything to corrupt my install in this fashion. Like just what the hell and then there appears to be not even an error dump. None that i can find anyway.





Here is my loadorder.

Most of it i already had activated, when it was working fine.


[X] FalloutNV.esm

[X] DeadMoney.esm

[X] HonestHearts.esm

[ ] RRCompanionVault.esm

[X] Active Wasteland.esm

[X] CHEMS.esm

[X] BF Grills.esm

[X] drgNV - Melissa Companion.esm

[X] Eve.esm

[X] Military NV Backpacks.esm

[X] Primary Needs HUD.esm

[X] Project Nevada - Core.esm

[X] ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm

[X] ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm


[X] Caliber.esm

[X] Weapon Mod Expansion.esm

[X] WME - Dead Money.esm

[X] WME - Honest Hearts.esm

[X] Frequency.esm

[X] Project Nevada - Equipment.esm

[ ] New Vegas Redesigned.esm

[X] Jasminenolings.esp

[X] Lings.esm

[X] Readius_NV.esp

[X] ReallyOTS.esp

[X] PerkEveryLevel.esp

[X] headgearfix.esp

[X] Veronica_Redux_Type3_Alice_Lings.esp

[X] Bonds Prim Town House Upgrade.esp

[ ] 0moddersressource.esp

[X] Placeable Lights NV v1.0.esp

[X] 7DanceFnV.esp

[X] The Groovatron NV.esp

[ ] 1vault expanded tilesets.esp

[X] NV_Jessi_3_6.esp

[X] Portable Tent.esp

[X] RustTownV1-1.esp

[X] UHNV.esp

[X] UWHNV-Core.esp

[X] UWHNV-Addon-DLC.esp

[X] Kaya47NordicBags.esp

[X] Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp

[X] Project Nevada - Dead Money.esp

[X] Project Nevada - Honest Hearts.esp

[ ] Continue After End.esp

[ ] BoulderCityApartments.esp

[X] BluesRadioNV.esp

[X] Big Band Radio.esp

[X] SecretStash40.esp

[ ] TheCollector.esp

[X] Active Wasteland - Vanilla Replacements.esp

[ ] ArmourRepairKits.esp

[ ] 0Empty.esp

[ ] 1Empty.esp

[X] CHEMS - Benches.esp

[X] CHEMS - Basic Chems.esp

[X] Courier6Loft.esp

[X] AWMRifle.esp

[X] DWDEagle44.esp

[X] Kaya47NordicWeapons.esp

[X] KerberosPanzer.esp

[X] Kerberosweapons.esp

[X] Murdelizer.esp

[X] photon.esp

[X] Survivalist Crossbow.esp

[X] THOR.esp

[X] Mobile_Bus.esp

[X] Active Wasteland - Coffee Maker.esp

[X] Active Wasteland - Dead Money Replacements.esp

[ ] Active Wasteland - Dead Money Goggle Tints.esp

[ ] Active Wasteland - Goggle Tints.esp

[X] Active Wasteland - Dead Money Coffee Maker.esp

[X] Alexscorpion'sNVG.esp

[X] BOAt51b.esp

[X] boa ncrpahelmet.esp

[X] DXProject.esp

[X] bzArmour.esp

[X] bzBodySuits.esp

[X] Military NV Backpacks - Blank's Container Patch.esp

[ ] Military NV Backpacks - BumBagUseSlot1.esp

[ ] Military NV Backpacks - No Straps.esp

[ ] Military NV Backpacks - Vendor Script Replenish.esp

[X] PimpMyScarf_v2.esp

[X] RCSS.esp

[X] Tailor Maid - NV.esp

[X] TGsArmorCollectionVegas.esp

[ ] Lore version.esp

[X] drgNV - Marcus Companion.esp

[X] drgNV - Melissa Companion (Lings Hairstyle Add-On).esp

[X] Jade.esp

[X] NVC_Misty.esp

[X] NVWillow.esp

[X] Feng Shui NV.esp

[X] G36C_moddable.esp

[X] dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp

[X] dD-Smaller Wounds.esp

[X] dD-Smaller Spatters Realistic.esp

[X] LFox Bottle That Water.esp

[X] Weapon Mod Expansion.esp

[X] WME - Arenovalis.esp

[X] WME - that gun 44 mag.esp

[X] WME - Dead Money Arenovalis Retex.esp

[X] WME - Honest Hearts Arenovalis.esp

[X] EVE FNV.esp

[X] WMEVE.esp

[X] Frequency - EVE patch.esp

[X] Meltdown Medley.esp

[X] DriveableMotorCycle.esp

[X] Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp

[X] DWSigP226.esp

[X] 111myclothingmods.esp

[X] Vurt's WFO.esp

[X] Nevada Skies - URWLified.esp

[X] Nevada Skies - URWLHH.esp

[X] DYNAVISION 2 - Dynamic Lens Effect.esp

[X] ELECTRO-CITY - Imaginator.esp

[ ] Bashed Patch, 0.esp

Edited by Nadimos
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[X] Nevada Skies - URWLified.esp
[X] Nevada Skies - URWLHH.esp

Use only one of these. READ the readme and Download pages. Download FNVedit and then we can go from there.

I just had this issue last night starting a new game. It is Nevada Skies. You will need FNVedit if you dont already have it

You will have to edit your Nevada Skies .esp



Read this thread to find out what to change. http://www. *not allowed* .com/topic/11736-version-13-ctd/

Eh? Cant link to other forums?


MartinKL- have read the same thing about the Ojo Bueno High Resolution Pack but this is not the cause of the crashes. I have deinstalled them, have resized ALL textures that are bigger than 1024x1024 and the crashes still happened.


It is Nevadas Skies URWLfied that causes the crashes, explicit an issue with the Light Template. In some cells (Prospector Saloon and a home in Goodsprings where Easy Pete lives in for example) the vanilla Light Template is NULL - Null Reference [00000000] and Nevada Skies URWLfied changes it to WastelandInteriorTemplate [LGTM:0008F584].


Using FNVEdit and editing the Nevada Skies - URWLified.esp and/ or Nevada Skies - URWLHH.esp fixes that and the game do not crash when entering that cells.


Funny thing that I don't understand: The next file in my load order is Interior Lighting Overhaul-Realistic Interiors-Full.esp and this file switches the Light Template back to WastelandInteriorTemplate [LGTM:0008F584] and the game does not crash. Very strange.


So the only solution I've found out is to edit the Light Template DIRECTLY in the .esp(s) of Nevada Skies URWLfied.



It is also a good idea to update your masters with FNVedit. Post back if your not sure how.


Have you tried BOSS mod sorting software or any attention to hand tweaking your load order?


This is only what I see atm. try this fix and make sure you have Nevada Skies installed properly. Then we can go from there. Please let me know if this fixes your issues.


Nevada Skies Files--

NSkies v0.6 Data Files

URWLified Cloudpack v14 (Required to function properly)


Now pick only one esp file either

NSkies 0-6-3 ESP (Original)

NSkies URWLified v29 for Honest Hearts

NSkies URWLified v29

NSkies 0-6-3 for Honest Hearts



This is redundant. This feature is integrated into Project Nevada with more options


Get the WME and Project Nevada patch Here

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Thanks for the help! :)


I installed nevada skies the correct way now and "fixed" it, but the game still crashes, even with no plugins active. >.<



Now i cannot start the game anymore................... i have no plugins active............this is crazy

Edited by Nadimos
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Do you have your NVSE v2 Beta5 and are you lauching the game with nvse_loader.exe and NOT falloutnv.exe

If you havent any .ini tweaks delete D:\Users\User Name*\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV\fallout.ini and relaunch the game to build a fresh one.

Use the BOSS plugin to correctly sort your load order "works 90 percent of the time, every time"

Make sure you are rebuilding your bashed patch in Wrye Flash EVERYTIME you change anything.

And update your masters may help a bit. Make a copy of FNVedit.exe and name the copy FNVMasterUpdate.exe and run that. I would also make another called FNVMasterRestore.exe

New Vegas Stutter Remover has helped my and many others game stability overall. It will cap your frame rates but it will run smooth as kittens.


Post back, id like to see your issues resolved.

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Thanks for that, i reinstalled the game and am slowly rebuilding mods one by one.


Where do i put the bashed and merged patch in regard to Nevada Skies tho? Can i use both at the same time?

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Thanks for that, i reinstalled the game and am slowly rebuilding mods one by one.

Where do i put the bashed and merged patch in regard to Nevada Skies tho?

I dont care what anyone says. Always load your bashed or merged patch LAST.


Can i use both at the same time?

I think FNVEdit creates a "merged patch" and I know Wrye Flash makes a "bashed patch". Both of these patches attempt to accomplish the same thing so I would pick ONE program to create your merged/bashed patches. I go with Wrye Flash and the Bashed Patch because of all the extra features you can include in the patch build window. FNVedit can also create patches but its true strength is finding conflicts between loaded modules, editing loaded modules, updating masters. I have to go now so if you have any more questions post them up and Ill be back later today.

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Thanks for clearing that up once and for all. I will make a bashed patch then, because i want to import the npc faces from fallout new vegas redesigned.


Also im on the bughunt now, since it started crashing again. Removing mods with fomm, to find out who the ....... is.

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Ok this is crazy, i removed all mods one by one back to the exact setup, where it did work flawless again, and still it crashes in goodsprings !


I removed all the data with fomm, there have been no changes to the ini by those mods....


The save i am using is clean with no mods....


This is completly out of the ordinary...


Anyone can tell me what is wrong with this, please?


I cannot even detect anythign with fnvedit.............



Im totally and utterly compeltly at the end of any investigation by myself of what produces this error in goodspring..........

Edited by Nadimos
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Sounds like something is in a bad state in your save game.

This. Have you tested this with an all new character?

Another note, just deactivating or deleting a plugin in FOMM or your data folder will not remove all files placed by a mod. Sometimes these left over files cause problems. It does sound like you have done several reinstalls so this may not be a problem at all. Does Goodsprings area crash on a COMPLETELY fresh n clean install of NV? Keep us up to date on your most current load orders.

(and please insert your load orders in [ spoiler ] LOAD ORDER [ /spoiler ] without the spaces )

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