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CTD, huge texture problems, loads of lag


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Started with minor texture issues after otherwise fine gameplay - stuff like sheets of grey blocking view and random lagginess when looking in a direction. Noticed this while wandering around boston fighting supermutants at some building called stop 380 or whatevs.


saved and quit, tried to reload today and it 1. took ages to load the loading image (i.e. magazine, deathclaw w/e) then takes even longer to load the actual game

2. get into game and loads like 1 frame every couple seconds, entirely unplayable

3. about a minute later it CTDs

below are my mods and load order



Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR)

- Armorsmith Extended

- Better Generators (2x)

Better Mod Descriptions - All-In-On Better Mod Descriptions User Interface

Takaru Minari Brighter Settlement Lights

Configurable Power Armor Fusion Core Drain

Craftable Ammo Crafting -

Enhanced Blood Textures

dDefinder ETSGS - Easy To

Bilago Fallout Texture Overhaul Stars - FTO Stars 4K Models and Textures

Gorgulla FAR - Faraway Area Reform (LOD) -

SparrowPrince Faster Terminal Displays -

Old Nick Fr4nsson's Light Tweaks -

Fr4nsson Higher Settlement Budget

Homemaker - Expanded Settlements Player Settlement

Improved Map with Visible Roads

Longer Power Lines - Longer Power Lines 3x

Puma Lowered Weapons -

More Armor Slots - F4

More Where That Came From - Diamond City Radio Edition

no dotdotdot - NoDotDotDot User Interface

NX Pro Farming Player Settlement

e OCDecorator Crafting -

Perk Magazine Material Fix - Perk Magazine Material Fi

Old Nick Quieter Settlements Audio

Lemures Radiant Clouds and Fogs Environment

Mangaclub Scrap dead things -

PixelMurder Settlement Keywords (SK) - v0.8 - Settlement Keywords

Stuyk Snap'n Build Player Settlement

ad3d0 Snap'n Build - Textures P

ad3d0 Spring Cleaning

Nverjos Towbie's Realistic Weapon Sounds -

Towbiekun True Storms: Wasteland Edition

fadingsignal Value per Weight indicator for container UI

CyberShadow Vivid Fallout -

Hein84 Vivid Fallout - Rocks - Textures in HD - ORIGINAL SIZE - LOWER RESOLUTION - Vivid Fallout - Rocks - 2k Visuals and Graphics

Hein84 WET Environment








more where that camefrom diaondcity.esp


homemaker sk integration patch

SnB bunker






Perk magazine material fix

more armor slots

nx pro farm core

nxpro harves overhaul

faster terminal displays 20x


WET clearer







50%fusion core drain

better generatiors

dD small splatter sie

ddEnhanced blood

SC_Expanded scrap list

Fr4nssons light tweaks

radiant clouds and fogs

true storms f04

craftable ammo

craftable ammo plus

Edited by ImNotMoose
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I haven't opted into the Beta and I haven't got any DLC for it.


I tried disabling all the texture mods but it didn't help. It said certain files were missing but i clicked load anyway and same problems.

Edited by ImNotMoose
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I had a problem similar to this while I was testing a custom mesh. Sometimes it would CTD when I fast travelled to a certain location, otherise the area in question would start acting strange with parts of the landscape disappearing and objects corrupting. I re-made the mesh differently and all the issues stopped. Try progressively disabling your meshes subfolders - start with items that can be placed outdoors, like furniture, cooking fires and stuff. See if that narrows down the problem.

Edited by steve40
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I'm having similar problems and narrow down to textures mods, it's exactly as OP's situation, it takes very long to load and sometimes overworld levels refuse to load. Uninstalling the texture mods fixed it for me. The ones that causing problems for me were the texture optimization mods and gore/blood mods. I also avoid keyword mod and all mods associate with it, it's causing problems for me too.
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