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Very Annoying quest problem


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Hello all :)

I've got a little problem with the mages guild quests and the vampirism cure quest, I'll start at the beginning.

Ok, so I'm looking for a nice mod to recruit Companions, and luckily I find one which adds 4 generals and a share/recruit command. So I did the quest and used the share command on one of the generals.

(He had clothes and I rather had him wearing battlemage armor) I took all of his equipment and the problem occured.. The general had a Mages Staff as a main staff and since I didn't do the mages guild quest yet it updated I had my mages staff and should return it to Raminus Pullos, at that moment (A few weeks back) I thought it wouldn't be problem and continued playing, doing the main quest line, the fighters guild and yes.. eventually tried the mages guild.

The Recommendations quests were easily done, so I went to the Imperial City and talked to Raminus.

It seemed he was eager to tell me something, I approach him and first thing I hear him say is ''Shouldn't you be out getting your mages staff?!'' And I can't see any dialogue displaying the tasks & quest completions so there I go, using console commands to finish each quest.. and even though it went a lot quicker then usual I did finish the mages guild eventually.

This caused another problem.. the quest to aquire a book from Count Skingrad had to be done manually, and now all he has to say is "I have nothing left to say to you'' and he ends the topic.

So it's impossible to get the reward and the cure right?

Anyone has an idea how to solve this?




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You can end the vampiric quest using the console also but other than that I can't help. If one of the quests that should have been finished is still running you can use the stopquest command. Have a look and see if any are shown as 'open' in the journal.
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