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Auto hardware detections are hilarious


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I'm talking about the hardware detection games use to 'optimize' your video settings and such. Do they ever get it right? I don't think I can ever remember a time when they did.


My current PC is an 17-2600k @ 4.5GHz with 8GB 1600MHz RAM and 2 GTX570s in SLI with a 24" monitor (1920x1080).


I just reinstalled FO:NV and the auto detection sets it to this:





I guess I should've got 590s instead. Maybe then I could bump it up to full rez! :dance:

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My computer did the opposite for me.

New Vegas auto detected mine and set it to Ultra, but I beefed it up a little more just for the eyecandy.


Fallout 3 however... auto detected mine and set it to Medium, I was insulted :3 But set it to ultra anyway.

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