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A full auto Saiga shotgun mod


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Hi everybody ,

after seeing the modular kalash mod (I know , it came out a while ago) , I thought to myself that a saiga would be great , I ,love the look of it in real life and it's just cool.

As for the stats , I don't know about precision or range or spread (I thought that a range of 100 wouldn't be too bad , combined with tight spread ) but i think it should have quite the recoil (it's harder to handle than an AA-12) , to compensate the recoil , already existing models for mods in games for recoil compensating stocks ( or marksman stocks) can be used tp make the mod (it should originally have a wooden stock , swappable for a skeletal one, with slightly more recoil but less weight) as for the fire rate (a very important part of this) , it should be at least 3 rounds / second (not burst fire , full auto) it should be convertible into a semi auto (slower fire rate) while the damage , should be similar to the combat shotgun. The high rate of fire is balanced out by the recoil of the real life saiga . It should have a straight mag , a banana mag (like on the real life saigas and AKs) and a drum . I'm not a gun expert , so feel free to correct me.

Note: A feature that could be cool is dragon breath rounds and explosive pellets (1-5 explosion dmg / pellet). To make the dragon breath work , the shotgun could be pretty much converted into a semi auto flamer but with half ballistic-half energy damage and would leave the target burning for some more dmg (the shooting sound has to be edited to have both the sound of the shotgun and a quieter sound of the flamer in the same time) , but this feature is not necessary.

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