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I'm a professional Voice Actor and I want to have a companion made of myself.


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I've played the entire franchise and have long wanted to make a companion of myself. One that looks like me, is voiced by me and fights how I like to fight. I'm, 6'2 250, bald with a van dyke beard. I'm a hobbyist blacksmith, I am an archer, can shoot, and can brawl (I was a bouncer in NYC for a few years).


I've voiced characters in Skyrim mods and in some developing Fallout 4 mods but have never gotten to voice a full companion before. I'm from the Boston area and my voice is perfectly suited to the Fallout 4 environment. I don't have a strong Boston accent, but honestly the NPC's with strong accents all sound fake anyway.


I looked into the tutorials to see if this was something I could manage myself, I'm pretty tech savvy, but the number of applications used sets just too steep a learning curve. So I was hoping a modder here might be interested in creating a companion with me. I'm open to any storyline ideas or even just busting out a simple voiced companion without the extra baggage of special locations or custom weapon/armor textures. The scope of the character would be largely up to you. I'm happy to write and voice quests if you want to make the companion robust and fully fleshed out.


I see him as a Hunter Survivalist, and occasional bounty hunter (this part may tie in with the quest line). As a hunter he'd use a killer hunting or sniper rifle for ranged, and a super sledge for melee. I've seen a mod that shrinks the super sledge to make it a one handed weapon...ideally that's what I'd want. I'm a blacksmith, so the idea of using a one handed sledge is really appealing.


I don't expect anyone to make a bow/cross bow, though that would be frickin sweet. The mechanics and animation, I think, would be a lot of work. When I voiced an NPC in the Wheels of Lull - Skyrim mod, that mod had augmented the dawnstar crossbow into a gun...but trainwiz is well, a wiz when it comes to making custom animations. And I think he spent a ton of time making it.


As a Hunter he'd be independent and if you wanted him to have a faction alliance it would be with the Minute Men. Maybe he is a Big Game / Synth hunter and has a cabin in the woods decorated with the heads of destroyed synths and Deathclaws and Radscorpions. I'd love a giant Deathclaw Skull mounted above the fireplace.


Maybe he could be someone the Minute Men hired for a job(s) that fall below their moral threshold? Would Preston stoop to assassination?


Please write me here or email me at gabrieldunn _at_ gmail _com. If you want to make this companion together.



Edited by Orock11
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If you know any of the great modders who did the companions in Skyrim...send them this way. I tried out , Hoth, Cerwiden, Inigo, Sofia and Vilja. I am thinking something along those lines.

Edited by Orock11
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If you know any of the great modders who did the companions in Skyrim...send them this way. I tried out , Hoth, Cerwiden, Inigo, Sofia and Vilja. I am thinking something along those lines.

Honestly, I think ANY companion that had the configuration and AI depth of Cerwiden, Inigo, or Vilja (Or Willow or Wendy from Fallout NV) would be magnificent. I think that definitely requires the creation kit though.


Female companions tend to be more popular... everyone wants their waifu. However, I'd roll with this dude you're describing if he's well constructed on config and AI, and therefore useful. (Right now, I'm running around with Cait, MacCready, Josephine (Mod, uses settler AI and voice, though follows you), and Dogmeat. I ditched the automatron bots, because they don't leave me anything to shoot at.)


If I had the tools and skills, I'd be on this right now. I struggled to retexture an article of clothing. I am mostly commenting here to show anyone looking to take on a project that there's interest.


Nice-to-haves would be a few levels of chat frequency, ability to sneak well, aversion to traps, configurable hostility level, separate "backpack" storage (so you can give him a fatman to lug to a trader without him killing your party to take out a radroach at your feet), follow distance settings, and gold-tier would be setting up a campsite. (I know Wendy does this in NV, I forget if Vilja does.) Being a good shot should go without saying.

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I understand that the mod author of Willow will be creating a character for Fallout 4. The author of Interesting NPCs is also interested. I suppose such Super Companions will be determined by the capabilities and limitations of the Creation Kit.


BTW, Vilja does set up a campsite for the player. Talk about fantastic voice acting, Atomic Radio 1.01 is now available for the Greater Boston Wasteland. http://3dnpc.com/2016/04/20/atomic-radio-v1-00/

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I understand it will likely not be done until the creation kit comes out. I'm patient. :D And yes, female companions are more popular for romantic and eye candy reasons. But that doesn't mean everyone looks for love in video games. Inigo and Hoth were great companions. And I have no issue recording romance lines that go both ways. Some people are turned on by bald baddass dudes with a big rifle. ;)




If you know any of the great modders who did the companions in Skyrim...send them this way. I tried out , Hoth, Cerwiden, Inigo, Sofia and Vilja. I am thinking something along those lines.

Honestly, I think ANY companion that had the configuration and AI depth of Cerwiden, Inigo, or Vilja (Or Willow or Wendy from Fallout NV) would be magnificent. I think that definitely requires the creation kit though.


Female companions tend to be more popular... everyone wants their waifu. However, I'd roll with this dude you're describing if he's well constructed on config and AI, and therefore useful. (Right now, I'm running around with Cait, MacCready, Josephine (Mod, uses settler AI and voice, though follows you), and Dogmeat. I ditched the automatron bots, because they don't leave me anything to shoot at.)


If I had the tools and skills, I'd be on this right now. I struggled to retexture an article of clothing. I am mostly commenting here to show anyone looking to take on a project that there's interest.


Nice-to-haves would be a few levels of chat frequency, ability to sneak well, aversion to traps, configurable hostility level, separate "backpack" storage (so you can give him a fatman to lug to a trader without him killing your party to take out a radroach at your feet), follow distance settings, and gold-tier would be setting up a campsite. (I know Wendy does this in NV, I forget if Vilja does.) Being a good shot should go without saying.


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I went to check out the Willow mod from Skyrim, but it seems set to private. But if the creator is interested...I am still looking. :)


I understand that the mod author of Willow will be creating a character for Fallout 4. The author of Interesting NPCs is also interested. I suppose such Super Companions will be determined by the capabilities and limitations of the Creation Kit.


BTW, Vilja does set up a campsite for the player. Talk about fantastic voice acting, Atomic Radio 1.01 is now available for the Greater Boston Wasteland. http://3dnpc.com/2016/04/20/atomic-radio-v1-00/

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Orock11, Willow was in Fallout New Vegas. Now that the Creation Kit has landed, mod authors are already working on major mods. They will need voice actors for mods that will be churned out for another five years or more, barring any unforeseen complications from Bethesda.

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Thats right! She was the one with multiple outfits who did all the cooking. I had her shacked up in Novac. I need to replay NV. So much fun!


I know the mods are just getting going now, thats why i wanted to make my presence known now so i could get in early with a dedicated companion modder.


Orock11, Willow was in Fallout New Vegas. Now that the Creation Kit has landed, mod authors are already working on major mods. They will need voice actors for mods that will be churned out for another five years or more, barring any unforeseen complications from Bethesda.

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