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lootable skeletons not possible?


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Just a quick question...is it possible for me add soldier skeletal remains as part of a mod and then put loot on it? i dont mean a fresh gunner/raider corpse it has to be the skeleton with the bones and everything. And it doesnt have to be work on the skeleton just has to be in their inventory and the skeleton just has to be interactible with the E and R keys. Reason i ask is because while playing FO4 i dont think i've ever seen a lootable skeleton. They may have stuff laying around them on the floor but i've never had to open the inventory of a skeleton before. In Skyrim i think they had lootable skeletons but not FO4.

Edited by cosmat
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Yeah absolutely, you might run into some extra work if you want the items to show up as clothing on the skeleton (a helmet that you take off them for example) but there's no reason why you can't. Bethesda just decided not to in the vanilla game.

Edited by PoliteRaider
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For a quick and dirty version, I suppose you could grab something that works the way you want it to, remove the visible part of it, slap the mesh of the skeleton you want over it, and presto, one skeleton that works like a container. Collision might be screwy, but most people probably wouldn't notice.

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Ohh i wasnt actually thinking about making the gear wearable on the skeleton. Just as long as the skeleton has an inventory that i can put the items into. So that way they'll have the E and R buttons when you hover over the skeleton for the loot/loot all options.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bringing this back up because i had another question. Does anyone know of any good youtube tutorials that show how to place armor or weapons into the game world via addons? like say if i place a skeleton or chest of my own (not one that already exists in game) and then i want to place weapon or armor on the ground near that skellie or inside the chest that i created.


Ohh and just to emphasize i dont need help with creating the objects just on how to place them in the game world without having to spawn them with a console command.

Edited by cosmat
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yeah search for it in the creation kit and then drag it over into the window where you view the world. It's a bit more complicated in fo4edit, that said, I use fo4edit for these sorts of things


Thats good to hear i'll check out the CK. I was afraid i'd have to use FO4EDIT and use the skellies and containers right on the surface of Vault 111.

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