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Hair restricted to a certain race?


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A mod, Body By Race to be more specific, makes races have specific hairstyles. Now I /really/ hate how Vulpes now uses the Default Hairstyle instead of the HairAfricanAmericanBase, it looks hideous and he's an in-game companion for me.


Is there any way to give him back his hairstyle? It absolutely does /not/ appear in the list of Head Parts in Geck, nor is it availlable to the Caucasian Race. I'm at a loss. =/

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If you download the nccs companion creation guide Here:




the advanced file will explain how to attach and add hair and eyes to races. it will explain everything, just disregard the companion creating part.



What ever you change or add will force you to create an esp. and remember that whatever is last in your load order will win. so remember to make your new esp load after your beauty mod. and make sure that when you create or add a hair, and save your esp, you do not have the beauty mod loaded. if you do, your esp will be reliant on that mod to be loaded to exist and reliance like that can cause crashes especially with textures.

Edited by PowderdToastMan
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Perfect, thank-you very much, I mannaged to make myself an .esp that fixes his hair.


All I needed to do was drag the HairAfricanAmericanBase into the Caucasian race to make it availlable. Pretty simple now that I think about it... haha! Kudos to you man, thank-you for answering me! =)

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