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New Era cap


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obviously somebody who good at blender to make the baseball cap into a new era cap

A little more detail would be a good idea. I scanned the companies wiki page, and checked out some of their caps on google images, but I'm not really seeing a significant difference in style. Or maybe the subtleties are simply lost on me.

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So you mean that the sunguard thing (i dont know what it is called im not english) is horizontally not bent but straight and the shape is "fatter"?

i can try that since i've been screwing around with the basball cap right now and i am interested in how it would look.

You also want custom textures? (like baseball team stuff and the sticker on the sunguard thing)

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I'll do the two usual soft drink brands, and will do some experimenting with coloring to see what variation looks best. (I'll think about the swatters stuff, haven't played fo4 yet, but the logo looks cool)

I have an armor mod that is almost finished (only needs a bit more testing) and i'll release that first (soon), but after that i'll upload the caps, it's gonna be in a few days.

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