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Can't spawn items


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I've made a mod that is a simple square room using the ayleid ruins. I made it to have a low-lag place to spawn a bunch of guards and blood skeletons (from the cs tutroial). I can get into and out-of the room no problem, but when i do the player.placeatme command it spawns the creature, but i don't know where! i waited a minute and heard the thunder sound once, and then it said someone had gone unconsious somewhere completey different.


Can anyone help?

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It sounds like maybe your room is not properly path-gridded and the actors are spawning outside or under the room.


You may need a bigger room, if your room is really small. If you use ******.MoveTo Player or PlaceAtMe when you are close to a wall, that which is summoned could end up on the wrong side of the wall.

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but if it were spawning ouside of the room would'nt it just full endlesly? The room is in a different cell than the wilderness and stuff, so if it re-set like the player does then it would end up in the room wouldn't it?? Edited by Icorre
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