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Changing Idles & Animations In Game for Multiple Characters?


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Hello everyone.


I am new to SKYRIM as well as modding. I have spent a restless and huge amount of time learning how to mod and install certain software. I even set up Real Vision ENB then switched to Tetrachromatic ENB, and got almost 340 mods working smoothly in the past week and a half. I need Help and have a few questions before I install my last mods here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3URTOq1IrY.



What's bugging me the most is multiple characters and wanting different animations and idles for them and don't want the male character I'm going to make move like a girl. In Nexus Mod Manager, if I have two animations of the same nature, the last one installed will take the place of the previous one.


Here are my questions.


Can a mod idle or run, sprint, jump animation be switched and saved in game per character with the console? If so, how should I go about doing this?


Is there a mod with a list of idle and run, sprint, jump animations that can be changed in game via the Mod Menu? If there is one, can someone please provide a link?



I found these two but, they were last updated in 2012 and there is no decent (only found 1) tutorial on how to do this and how it works. So far most of what I learned were from tutorials.






I want to know if there is an easier way before I try to solo test one of these outdated software.

Edited by NightroModzz
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Hello everyone.

I want to know if there is an easier way before I try to solo test one of these outdated software.

Try and see if you can find Fore on these forums... He wrote FNIS and he knows all about animations, becuase I don't think these things are possible atm.


Do you know about PCEA2 ? It allows your PC to have their own animations...

Edited by Shivala
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Will look into him. Yes, I downloaded PCEA2 the day after I posted this. I do not yet know how it works because I've been too busy trying to learn how to Merge plugins with "Merge Plugins." Even though I scored all green on a them, It did not go so well so I settled on lowering my plugins and get back to that later. After, I installed Skyrim redone and that made an impact on my plugins and am at 251 lol. Going to test it now. I did find some female only animations but very few male only animations.

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