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Project Beauty Has Defeated Me!!!


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Eight days.

Seventeen Google searches.

Aprox. 25 websites/forums

Countless tries and tweaks.


I CANNOT get Project Beauty to work. ArchiveInvalibollocks! has been reinstalled and activated several times. All included textures and mesh have been extracted to gamedir\data\respectivefolders, twice. I have no other mods active or even installed at this point. I have re-downloaded all plugin and resource files and after installing them in the appropriate combinations (to no avail) I tried every other combination I could come up with with no results. I have used both the FO3 native launcher and FOMM, neither yielded so much as a "WTF is this?" error (so to speak).


If there is anyone out there who can help or walk me through another method, my appreciation would be unspeakable.


I'm using Win7 64bit, FO3 ver. 1.7.03.


Load order proceeds thus:









Project Beauty- Broken Steel.esp

Project Beauty- Point Lookout.esp

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Eight days.

Seventeen Google searches.

Aprox. 25 websites/forums

Countless tries and tweaks.


I CANNOT get Project Beauty to work. ArchiveInvalibollocks! has been reinstalled and activated several times. All included textures and mesh have been extracted to gamedir\data\respectivefolders, twice. I have no other mods active or even installed at this point. I have re-downloaded all plugin and resource files and after installing them in the appropriate combinations (to no avail) I tried every other combination I could come up with with no results. I have used both the FO3 native launcher and FOMM, neither yielded so much as a "WTF is this?" error (so to speak).


If there is anyone out there who can help or walk me through another method, my appreciation would be unspeakable.


I'm using Win7 64bit, FO3 ver. 1.7.03.


Load order proceeds thus:









Project Beauty- Broken Steel.esp

Project Beauty- Point Lookout.esp


How do you know it's not working? I installed it and only noticed it because of some bigger beards and some hair color changes. And old people look really old.

But the necklines of many people don't match their bodies, this is how I new it was working. Is ArchiveInvalid preventing you from loading the game?


I'm not using a mod manager fyi...maybe that could be the problem?

Edited by monster0mash
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