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Need help with scripting / request a mod (save with "insert action / item")


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Hi guys :-),


You all know, that we cannot save with the new Beta patch unless we use a bed. My first idea was

"well, just download a mod, that fix that" and in fact there is one, but I like to be limited when I can

save my game. For me it adds tension to the game. How much that is true for you, is up to, who

would have guessed, up to you. In fact Gopher made a nice video about that. If you are unsure

about that matter I encourage you to watch it right now.


So, while I like the fact to me limited when I can save, I really do not like the "when you sleep" solution

from Bethesda. What I want to create is a mod, which adds a Holotape with starts up a menu in your

pip boy, where you can choose what action should trigger the auto save.


I think that can only be done with scripting and I already have a basic Idea. It goes like that:


float saves


open menu


menu point 1:

Set save use stimpack

Menu point 2

set save use newchem




close menu


If save == 1

Create auto save



(add new chem to game and make it expensive so the player should really think about using it)


I know, that this is not really code and has allot of holes and some errors, but I just mixed what I can remember

With some "normal" words. This only serves as a raw model.


So, if someone can help me with that script or can create something like that by him- / herself, I would be grateful.


Why this fancy pip-boy-menu crap?

Well, I like to give the player a choice and provide a framework, where other moders can add their Ideas.


Boy, your scripting is garbage!!!

Considered I learned some scripting by myself and rarely used it for 10 years, there is still something left.

Also, try not to be rude. It is... how do I put that... let's say not the brightest thing to do.


I don't like your Idea and thinking about posting a nasty commend right now.

Do what you must, but why do you read until here in the first place?! If you do NOT

like an idea it is pretty silly to read more than the first part and even use your time to

add a comment.... so the joke is on you, I guess.

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This might be wrong but perhaps there is a way to do this with fo4edit itself. So I've heard that the console is disabled so batch files for the console command "save" are out. However, perhaps someone could write a script that would be linked to a holotape and in that holotape's VMAD- Virtual Machine there could be an entry for that saving script

Edited by seekingthesun
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The important thing here is, that I want to bind the save function to another action, so the character does not have save himself by sleeping / using an interface...


I would rather like to get the saving done as a side effect without the character really noticing. I don't like this word but for better understanding think of words like "immersive". Again I think the word "immersive got misused by the too many people and because of

that I try to avoid it. But in the end is that my intention.


Only go once in your pip boy, chose an action and then never care about saving again. Saving when using a stimpak might be a little bit extreme but this was only an example ;-).

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