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Dragon Bone and Dragon Scale Request


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Please make a Mod that After i Killed a Dragon and Absorbed its Soul, the Armor and Weapons and Arrows sould be Purchasable from Vendors and Blacksmiths.


Later in the Game its hard to find Dragons for Bones and Scales.


Hunters and Merchants should have Bones, Scales and Arrows.


Blacksmiths should have the Armor and the Weapons.

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Are you using some mod that keeps your dragons from respawning?


I'm just asking because I've never had an issue farming dragons for bones and scales. Not that the mod suggestion isn't a good idea, I'm just curious.

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No Mod, Dragons are just harder to come by as the Game progress and ive tried Mods that adds Dragons to the Game, but they turn the Game into Save Bloats and all sorts of Bugs.


So this is just a Vanilla thing to leave the Vanilla Dragons as they are, but you should now be able to Buy the Dragon things from Vendors aswell.


You know that Arrogent Arrow Seller in Solitude that talks about selling Arrows in a bush hold, yea there aint any like ever.

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lol, good point. You're also lucky, because the whole game I get dogged by dragons like it's their job to kill me. Wait... :unsure:


This would also be a good idea for players who don't want to invest time or perks in smithing, if someone decides to take it up. Until then, if you just need bones and scales, just revisit the dragon mounds every 10-20 in-game days. You'll have to fight for it, but there should be a respawned dragon that will drop bones and scales.

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If I understood the request right (not sure if I did), you'd be fine if you could have easier access to bones and scales. With the mod Timing Is Everything, you can adjust the frequency and probability of dragon attacks. If you want a dragon attack every day, it's possible. If you're annoyed by dragons, you can make attacks very rare, and everything in between.


The mod is also useful for a lot of other things, but this is one of them.

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