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Fallout 4 1.5 Update Public Service Announcement


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In response to post #37160675. #37169220 is also a reply to the same post.

MrTorlof wrote: Hello,

I am having trouble runing the NMM, since i upgraded it to the newest version. Whenever i launch NMM it tells me it needs NET framework 4.6 installed, so i tried to install it and quess what, it is not compatible with the system i am using, though i downloaded NET framework for windows 7.
Anyone that could tell me what is going on? I am using windows 7 ultimate
mred1602 wrote: Framework 4.6 will not install on plain Windows 7. It requires Windows 7.1 (Service pack 1)

That helped me with my problem, Thank you for your help :)
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I don't know if anyone else is have this trouble, But this is what's going on.

If I load fallout from NMM without adding any mods (Currently i have 80 active mods) if I try to save of quick save the game crashes, so I load up NMM and disable the mods, Go in to FO4 it works fine, I exit, turn back on my mods and everything works. I save for the night, and the next time I play I have to do this all over.


Is this something I am doing or what?

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so I've been having trouble using mods lately since the new updates. so here's my problem. when i install fallout 4 fresh and then open it with nmm and all my mods active and my plugins turned on, nothing happens. the game plays fine but no mods what so ever. then i try to add the new line in the fallout4custom.ini and it makes my game crash every time i try to load my game. then i add a new line to the fallout4.ini that has something to do with textures and the mods work. i thought i fixed it but then when i tried exiting the vault every time it made my game crash again. so now im at a stop and dont know what to do. can someone please help me? and before you ask yes i have the * in front of all my mods on the plugin txt.
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Application Error 0xc0000142 is what i had but now i think the program worked itself out and it works, only thing now is when i try to enable dlc's it make my game crash, do i have to enable it or is it already enabled, also i made no changes to my ini files or anything, and mods work fine after 1.5 patch but its just the enabling dlc's thing that crash my game. Any help would be appreciated.
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I seem to have a major problem. Ever since the update my FO4 will not load saved files or start new games. It will give me the load screen and stay there for a few minutes then it will crash and kick me to the desktop. I've even tried uninstalling and re-installing FO4 and playing with all my mods disabled. Neither worked. Please help?!

Edited by OutcastXC
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I found that once I add re-added my mods that FO4 would crash as soon as Save game was loaded.

tracked it down to the INTERFACE/ added to sResourceDataDirsFinal in the fallout4.ini. As soon as this was removed, all was good again. Of course I'm now stuck with vanilla interface settings so that is a little disappointing.

I found that if I removed all the options from sResourceDataDirsFinal I found that none of my mods worked quiet correctly.

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I deactivated all my addons with the latest NMM and reactivated them. But my Savegave stills says, that it includes content, that are deleted (all mods) and this content isnt able to play (sorry bout my bad english)


Pls help me :(

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In response to post #37912795.

OutcastXC wrote:

I seem to have a major problem. Ever since the update my FO4 will not load saved files or start new games. It will give me the load screen and stay there for a few minutes then it will crash and kick me to the desktop. I've even tried uninstalling and re-installing FO4 and playing with all my mods disabled. Neither worked. Please help?!

I have the same problem as this guy. HELP! :(

Resolved: Keynuker (mod) was the problem. I think anything that has to do with UI tweaks or changes f*#@s it up. I simply read through all of the posts to find out. Edited by Cartmenhez
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In response to post #37974120.

Merchfish wrote: I deactivated all my addons with the latest NMM and reactivated them. But my Savegave stills says, that it includes content, that are deleted (all mods) and this content isnt able to play (sorry bout my bad english)

Pls help me :(

Same here some mods are not recognized as ON
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