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arrows that cause particle effect on target


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I'm trying to create flaming arrows/bows that actually cause a fire particle effect that lasts on the target.


I know that if a target equips a constant fire damage item (like the ever popular burning mage hood), then the actor is actually shown ON FIRE until they are dead.


so, I thought maybe that I could script an additem and force equip function so that when struck with flaming arrow/bow, it would force equip an item that adds the flaming effect on the actor just like when they equip a constant fire damage clothing article (run a check to see if the target already has the item to keep them from piling up, and destroy on death)


OTOH, this seems a rather obtuse way to add a simple effect to a target.


Surely there is a better way to just get the fire particle effect on a target to last when struck by ammo or weapon?


thanks much.

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Fire enchantments already produce a fire effect when they strike a target... what I think I'd rather see is a way to produce the fire effect on the arrowhead as soon as you draw the bow, so that it is actually on fire while in flight. I don't know the first thing about modding, though, so I don't even know if that could be done.
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"Fire enchantments already produce a fire effect when they strike a target"


hmm, maybe it's because I'm mixing effects, but so far I see no indication of a consistent fire animation appearing on the target.


I'll experiment more with adding only fire damage, and making it last longer and see if that makes the animation appear.


the idea with burning arrows is interesting. I think I might know a way to do that. If it works, I'll post back.






yeah, that was it, the bow I was using to fire the arrows with had a different enchantment on it, and the game apparently gets confused as to which animation to display. *sigh* one of those things I neglect to notice trying to mod stuff at 1am.


If it's possible to make arrows have a flaming particle effect the same way it is for melee weapons, then it should be easy to put the effect on an arrow.


i have a couple of mods that add the flaming effect to weapons; I'll see this weekend if that can be applied to arrows.

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