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MOD Load Order Help?

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Man I hope this is in the right place :O


Anyways, My load order is in need of help (I think)


Yesterday or the day before that, I was playin my game fine(Or as fine as a bugged game on a flawed system can get).


Ive added about 5 MODs in the last hour or so, and now my game has various crash points (All CTDs though)


First CTD is the launcher(But thats my system being a douche)

Second CTD is (Bizarely*At the moment*) After tha game has loaded, When I want to leave the facility im currently in, As the transition goes from Interior cell to Exterior/Game World, It CTDs here.

I would guess if I got past that, I would get a third CTD just after the Game World/Exterior Cell ad loaded>.>


Aside from WARZONES and Asuka, The newest MODs I have are at the bottom(Naturaly>.<)




Any help in this would be much appreciated, As I would much rather NOT have to remove and RE-Install my MODs AGAIN, But I REALY REALY dont wanna lose my save/progressV.V


And before you lecture me on the "Safe use of MODs" Im fully and well aware of these issues. I can usualy sort these things by screwin around with it, But everything ive done so far has done nothing=/


Anyways, Yeah, Any help on this would be very much appreciated^^

Thanks for your time in advance,


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first falloutNV.esm should ALWAYS be at the top of the load order, run BOSS to sort out your load order.
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Besides New Vegas esm needing to be first, primary needs hud likley conflicts with project nevada's hud system, although i think it will still run.


Also, your using both rr and nccs companions, both written by NOS. There is a possiblility that he placed the companions in the same location for spawn for the different systems and if you are running both, then both sets of companions are trying to spawn on each other when you enter the cell, causing a crash. Also, i am unfamiliar with some of the esp's at the bottom. if you have created anything yourself, and they require multiple masters, or require a lot of math exraction from different masters, then it can cause crashes when going thru load doors.


Edit* add*

Also, uncheck the esp's you added and make sure you can go thru the door. one by one, check off an esp and uncheck the previous one to see which one is causing the crash. if you run each of the new esp's individually and they let you thru the load door, then its a conflict with your new mods.

Edited by PowderdToastMan
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@ Micalov, Thanks:3


@ PowerdToastMan, NCCS isnt checked>.> I dont use it. Never worked for me. Also, The unified HUD thingy is fine with Project Nevada, If youd looked at the install menu of UnifiedHUDs youd know this=/


And ive done that-.- Its basic modding. If I couldnt do it my self I wouldnt be here.


Also note that even though you may be right about FalloutNV.esm, I have been playing my game mostly bug free since day one and it has never been at the top. Hell, At one stage, It vanishe dform my load order and I could still play it..... But thats got a more buggy store afterhandXD


Thanks for the tips^^



Right, Well, Turns out, After having fixed my LO and what not, My save is screwed. I cant leave the facility im in. Dunno why.


On a side(But related)note, I started a new game and the game works fine, so far.


So, Thanks for your help fellow gamers:3

Edited by CrimzonScythe
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  • 4 weeks later...

Well.....Heres the LO



All the MODs work (Or worked rather) Untill I got my Laptop back from the repair shop. The only difference between now and before is my RAM is now at 4GB instead of 2..... But that surely couldnt be the issue could it?


Any help, Muchly appreciated^^

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having only 2 gigs can definetely cause ctd's when running lots of mods, and thats probably where we should have started. my bad.


anyways, the default new vegas only allows up to two gigs to be used anyway, and you need fnv4gb or fnv4gb for nvse to use more than two gigs.


as far as the save game; unless you had a mod with a teleporter such as player home v3-8 or v3-4, your save is probably screwed. for some reason ive found that the teleporter when used from corrupt save games from re-installing, will circumvent the crash when trying to get through the first load door. and will allow you to play your previous save games. i dont know why???

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.........I hate tech>.>


My games usualy run quite smoothly, No matter the amount of MODs I have....But every now and then, A patch for a MOD or the game or something else will cause my entire game to breakV.V I can usualy fix it but of late....


fnv4gb eh? *Sigh* Right.


Damn....Teleporters eh? Well, There go's my Yangtze Bunker>.>


And howd you know what my issue was? I failed to mention it in my last past O.O;


Also, Your name.......I remember that dude. But....Was it Rocko's Modern Life?


And thanks for the help. Will post if it doesnt work or even if it does:3

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my bad..


fnv 4gb can be found here:




Or fnv 4gb for nvse, scroll down here and click on the "alternate loader" link:



The character and his name are from ren and stimpy


as far as the teleporter thing, you mentioned the crash at load door a few posts in, and that blasted teleporter works for escaping that weird trap for some reason, so i thought i'd mention it...slim chance i know

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you diddnt mention what the new error was, but if its doing it from a clean install i would ask if you, when you re-installed did you clear out your save games folder - documents/mygames/falloutnv - the reason i say is that uninstalling does not remove any files that are in there including the ini files, and if you had any mods in the past that caused you to manually change those ini files or some that automatically change them, it will cause bugs in affected areas.


when you start a clean install with this folder empty it will not create any ini files or otherwise in this folder until your first save game, and simply duplicates the ini file in your new vegas directory, so if the files arent identical from lack of previous removal, it can cause problems


If this is the case, if you go to your save folder, cut the save games you want to keep into a temporary folder, then clear out your falloutNV folder of everything. Then start a new game from scratch, and create a hard save. Then quit the game and place your save games back into your newly created save game folder, and it will have fixed the issue.

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