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Instant scrap on pick up and Lorenzos Crown


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Greetings everyone, after some time I've got to thinking if it's possible that a mod that lets you pick up any junk and automatically turn it into raw materials example: As soon as you pick up basketball it turns into rubber, same with wonderglue it turns into adhesive automatically on pick up! There could be optional settings for Pre War Money, Cigars Cigarettes or other pieces that we use for caps so that way they don't turned into their respective material with the option of not having them auto scrapped so you're not like, damn it I needed that Pre War Money for caps etc lol! So yeah, thoughts and opinions on that are welcomed and appreciated etc etc.




Lorenzo's Crown.... I know you like me were disappointed that it couldn't be looted from his corpse after killing him which I guess makes sense since it "Couldn't" be removed but still you wanted it and cried manly tears (or girly tears) after that hard fought battle with Lorenzo only to get his lousy 1800's suit, cmon man, I know I'm not the only one who wants it so if anyone has the time to bring this to life I would love you long time, as for what kind of stuff it should give/have since Lorenzo supposedly had powers telekinesis knockdown extreme health etc and maybe add to it any other over the top crazy OP crap you can think of, or balanced or just like wearing like with nothing on it in general just because! Inb4 "welp you can get it via console" well yeah, but 1) it doesn't even show in your inventory 2) it's an misc item, ya can't wear the sh*t anyway! -.- and even if it was possible I doubt it would be modifiable anyway.... not that it would need it anyways since makes you an immortal badass... >_>


ANYHOO, that's what was on my mind for requests since this is my first time posting a request so I figured I put in a twofer and put both requests into one thread, yeah... and remember if ya don't like it, don't read it. (`-`)y-~

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