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Rads too wimpy in Survival mode


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So I'm at least 20 levels into the new Survival beta and I thinking that radiation poisoning could use some tweaking. Other than maybe the first 5 levels, radiation never seems like a big enough danger. Perhaps radiation poisoning should either have more instances when you are hit with a LOT of rads (the storms) or the rads in food & water should be increased or maybe cooked foods should still have some rads in them?

What do you think?

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Personally I was thinking that some consequence of being irradiated to a certain point could be nice, especially if you had a consequence for remaining irradiated for a long period of time. I like the reduction in maximum HP, it's a great idea, however it doesn't seem like quite enough. I'd like to work it into the disease system to allow certain radiation sicknesses or mutations to occur when the character is heavily irradiated.

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