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Spectacle Island and Deathclaw Cages


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so i finally got sick of my settlers stealing my missiles launchers everytime a radstag ran thru star light drive in and i decided to move out. i built a personal vertibird (personal vertibird mod) for easy transport back and forth and moved all my stuff to spectacle island. i built a 3 story cement bunker to live in and diplay my trophies. i built a farm staffed buy custom built mr. handy's, my supply line is an assaultron with a my/handy thruster. and my only companions on the island are my cat and the 2 deathclaws roaming the island. i built a small platform with a generator and the BWE and incased the whole thing in cement so it cant be destroyed. EVER. i now use my personal vertibird to hop between the island and the castle. after living here for some time i have come to the conclusion that deathclaws make better neighbors then settlers. :P



i flew in once to find a behemoth there and the 2 deathclaws just wrecked him. now if only i could put a bowler hat on one of them.....



Anyway just putting this here to say that, in my personal opinion, spectacle island is the best place to get the hell away from your sellers and their kleptomaniac ways, built yourself a beachfront dream house and chill out. :)

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Just moved to spectacle island myself. Building myself a nice multi-level market and hostel system over there, though I still keep my "most trusted" settlers with me on the military side of things (near the generator boat thingy). I have 2 Kirks now though. Both on guard duty. One of them keeps attacking mirelurks with my MIRV, which isn't a good idea in a more enclosed settlement, obviously. About deathclaws: I'm currently trying to built a small fort full of deathclaws, and upon attacks, I will release the deathclawraken on them crabbies.


Oh don't trust turrets as guards... they're plotting for world domination and won't do s#*! against the crab people. I think they're in cahoots with Pisces.

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did you turn on the high frequency thing that drives the mirelurks away? you dont even have to fight any of them just run in to the ship, turn the generator on and sprint to the radio tower looking thing and turn on the HF device. and all the mirelurks run away. :)

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The DLC is mainly a convenience thing. You can capture them, activate a brain wave transmitter and then release them and they're non-hostile in a limited radius. There are mods to keep Deathclaws as friends/allies too, though I don't know any off the top of my head. I'm sure I saw some of them alread though.

Edited by T00LK1D
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