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Alduin Has A Son. A mod request.


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Dragonborn: I killed alduin, But I could not take his soul.


Eingrth: We have just learnt from parthuunax who got a vision that alduin was reborn into his son.


Dragonborn: Alduin has a son?.


Einarth: Yes apparently Alduin Visited the moreki during his return and the mother just gave birth to a dragon egg.


Dragonborn: Who are the Moreki?.


Einarth: An Argonian cult so obsessed with becomming dragonkind that they have learned to breathe fire through constant study, They normally have kept to themselves as pacifists but they have learned of your undoing of alduins return, They will be comming for you dragonborn in efforts of stopping you from finally ending the worlds complete destruction.



I think it would be a masterpiece to add onto the storyline of skyrim, If you decide to make something like this credit me for the idea.

Edited by thelawfull
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This would be a great addition to the game, assuming it's pulled off correctly (with the second-in-command idea).But, would you go so far as to have a choice to join the cult, and adopt their ways, or stick with Parthuunax and kill them off? Edited by TheMightyWaffle156
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The Dragonborn is just a normal human with the soul of a dragon.Beside his ability to absorb Dragon Souls and be talented at the Thu'um (which both are parts of having the soul of a dragon) he is just a normal human.


Akatosh bestows Dragon Souls to people that he chose to be future Dragonborns.

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