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Strange Bash Error

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I tried installing Tamriel Heightmaps, after updating with TES4LOD, I was unable to open wyre.


I keep getting this error:



Traceback (most recent call last):

File "Wrye Bash Launcher.pyw", line 31, in <module>

File "bash.pyo", line 311, in main

File "basher.pyo", line 15386, in InitLinks

File "basher.pyo", line 14297, in InitStatusBar

IndexError: tuple index out of range


I've tried uninstalling the mod, moving my batched and landmagic patches out of data, and reinstalling Wyre, same error over and over.




(If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it. :) )

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Didn't even have to.


I think it was a problem with Win 7's compatibility with the new wyre (Maybe UAC problem?) Even though I have Oblivion installed outside of the default directory.


I installed Wyre 291 and was able to rebuild my patch with little problem.


Hope this helps someone!


Edit: Thanks be to Moto for helping me figure that out. :)!

Edited by SkoomaSteve
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