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Hi. This thread has been spawned by my curiosity about the Elven languages, and (obviously) who speaks them here. I'm learning (very slowly; i'm also doing A-Level Spanish, so that takes precedence) from the online courses available (i'll put a link on for everyone later), and i was wondering who else was learning/has learned. I know that Malchik does (or at least, Sindarin) and so does the_phoenix from their masterful performances on phoenix's intro thread.


So, to get to the point: anyone have any help for a budding Quenya-speaker? I really just want this to be a thread where all the people of MWSource can come and discuss things in Elvish (any form), or ask for advice, or stuff like that. I'm going to put up some links as soon as i get access to my other PC, which as loads of stuff about the L.E.A.F (Learning Elvish Among Friends) forums and places like that for the beginner.


There, suppose thats it really. Post responsibly, and nothing stupid :shifty:

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It's funny you should ask about that, loveme4whoiam. I happen to be trying to put an effort into learning Tolkienic Elven, and I happen to have a dictionary myself for it on my computer. It was produced by a group called "The Grey Company" after a famous company of Elven warriors, though I, myself, am not familiar with the original group. I do believe (with some help from a friend) that it is a mixture of the Sindarin (Grey Elven) and Quenya (High Elven) languages, possibly with other elements thrown in. It's a tough language to learn, even when combined with other dialects.
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I'm rather fluent in Sindarin, and can rather easily decipher Quenya, as long as a pocket guide is handy for some of the odd linguistic rules to assist me. I can translate Quenya roughly without assistance, but for a proper translation it helps to reference a guide every 10th word or so.


All the sources listed so far are good.


-- D

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There are courses on Quenya here-



This is the course i'm using for Quenya studies, but i've also had a nice link sent to me for these guys Learn Elvish Among Friends (LEAF). They run a forum which is run for newbies and literates alike to go and chat together. They have seperate Quenya and Sindarin sections, and are (from what i've found) friendly and helpful. They also have a lessons database which is useful (if not as detailed as the one above) for newbies such as myself.

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Pretty useful information, Illuventi. That could explain why my buddy and I were having translational errors between us. Also, I'll look into the other links for learning the languages later on. It might be helpful to go through each and try to learn a set at a time rather than the mixture I'm trying for.
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