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Companion Wheel - Inventory


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I've seen a few vague posts on this thru Google but no real answers. So I hope somebody can assist me with this.


I have an NPC follower that I created, plus another (Brahmin Companion) that I downloaded back in Dec-Jan. I quit playing the game til last week and now the companion wheel will not allow me to access the inventory. But it still works for vanilla followers like Boone or EDE. I'm certain a patch broke this function.


As a workaround, I've added topics to conversation to both NPCs to allow for it, but how do I mod the wheel function back in to them?


Thanks in advance,


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Before the 1.3 patch it automatically accessed inventory. Now it just references the topic. So if you have a companion that doesn't have 'openteammatecontainer' in the result script of their FollowersTrade topic, nothing will happen.


I would call it a case of the modder not building their mod "properly" than a patch breaking anything.


To fix, just add 'openteammatecontainer' to the result script on that topic for that follower.

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Before the 1.3 patch it automatically accessed inventory. Now it just references the topic. So if you have a companion that doesn't have 'openteammatecontainer' in the result script of their FollowersTrade topic, nothing will happen.


I would call it a case of the modder not building their mod "properly" than a patch breaking anything.


To fix, just add 'openteammatecontainer' to the result script on that topic for that follower.


Does it HAVE to be in the FollowersTrade topic? Which makes it part of the VNPCFollowers quest? Bc I have my guy on his own quest (xxJNPCSamson) and his topic within his quest is "XXjnpctrade", with a result script (begin) of 'openteammatecontainer' (along with a Goodbye flag) and yet I can still only access this thru 'normal' dialog.

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Got up early this morning with a fresh cuppa joe and added the FollowersTrade to my NPCs and it worked like a champ. Just throw it in there and make the REFs. Didnt even have to link it to dialogue at all. The same scheme works for the other wheel areas like wait and aggro. I cant believe I couldnt find this via Google sooner. It's stupidly simple. Thanks Quetz.

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Can someone please explain how to do this to someone with NO experience in modding?


I have both the Alien Companion Neiila and the Pack Brahmin Companion, and neither of their inventory options on their companion wheels are working. Similarly, I can't fire the pack brahmin companion.

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