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Murdoch's News of the World Closes


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Thankfully for Murdoc his wife came to his defense. *snickers*

Honeychile, didn't you know Chinese women are at least as dangerous to cross as southern belles?

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From what I see on this side of the pond it's a feeding frenzy, there seems to be an attitude that Labour was never in bed with Murdoch at least thats what the BBC America is presenting...a Liberal and Conservative cabal with innocent Labour shocked on the side lines. Funny thats not how I remember the relationship, everyone kissed the ring of Murdoch..everybody.


The whole thing has been hijacked by the left, the BBC, Guardian and Labour are on a crusade. The hypocrisy on display is staggering.

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Indeed, the idiot should be given prison time.

Just what is the time for grand standing by trying to throw a pie on the news?



Long enough to mend a broken jaw. The reason these assholes do these things ios because they know that they will;l be arrested and taken out in handcuffs to a nice cell so that they can brag about to their friends. Take out the nice little jail cell and insert a hospital bed with a couple of broken ribs, a broken jaw and two blacked eyes, with all the pain that goes with that and you won't see that person doing that agin, at all.

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He threw a pie at him as a joke, he doesn't need to be beaten up.


He should be charged with assault possibly, but people need to calm down.



He threw a pie at him because he was a left wing crack pot that wanted to make a name for himself with his adolescent friends by assaulting a 90 year old man for kicks. You want to do something brave? Throw one at someone able to defend himself, not someone old enough to be your father or older. What have we got so civilized that we can't punish people for the simple audacity of assaulting elderly people. Should we give the same punishment for someone tripping a 90 year old lady than we do if they had tripped a 20 year old.

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