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After installing Nexus mod manger Fallout 4 won't open


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So I have been playing fallout 4 for awhile and I wanted to start a new run with the new survival difficulty so I deiced in this run I would install some mods for this run since I have 100% the game in every other way. So I looked up how to do it and installed nexus mod manger I installed about 10 mods at first and when I tried to test to see if the mods worked my game crashed after about 5 seconds of load time so I thought this might be something to do with text files updating but all of it was right. I then uninstalled all the mods to see if that would work it did not. I tried verifying game cache that also did not work I uninstalled nexus mod manger that did not work I restarted my PC that did not work. I even Uninstalled my game and reinstalled it and it still crashed. What did nexus mod manger do to my game that even when I completely reinstall it It still crashes because I opened it before I installed it and after it did not work. I really would like to now how I fix this because it seem like it can't be fixed if I have completely reinstalled my game and it is still broken

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There is something else going on. I'm not sure what, but I just had the same problem. I was running FO4 before with a lot of mods installed and did not have any problems with the game or the mods. Then I added a couple of new mods which had me replace some of the data files with new ones. I did not like the results and because I was stupid and did not back up my data files, the only way out was to un-install FO4 and re-install it. I did this, put in all the mods I wanted, minus the ones which caused the problem, back into the game and now the game will not run. The problem has nothing to do with the difficulty setting as I am using the same setting as I was using before.


The game just will not run. Weird point - When I start NMM, I keep getting a message that says I can't install mods without a FO4 ini. file.

Well, either NMM has no idea of where my game is installed, or it's just plain stupid, cause not only do I have an ini file, but I have made the changes required to the ini files to run mods.

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