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Help with NPC creation


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Hey guys I am trying to create a new NPC like I said already. His inventory is perfect, but his voice isn't what I want it to be.


My overall goal: Use elements from LOTR mods to place 9 ringwraiths in the game. I have so far succeeded in getting the characters to look right. I am fairly well versed in the Morrowind TESCS but am not yet able to accomodate for the difference between the two Construction Sets. I would like to use a short MP3 recording of a ringwraith from one of the films as the voice (it's just a simple scream for now). I am only able to access interior cells, which is not good for an NPC such as this one would be. It needs to be out in the country along the roads, travelling perhaps. If I put one in an interior cell (in most cases) he would end up being attacked, completely defeating the purpose. I have not decided if I will edit his stats as of yet. NOTE: I will ask permission of the creators of the source mods if this one is successful. If not, then no need.


Also note that though I have not scripted with either of the two TESCS's.


Any help in ensuring that the mp3 file is used and that I can place him in the game would be appreciated.



Mods I am drawing from: Bane's Lair of the Witch King (which I have not been able to re-locate hmm...)

and this Ringwraithe V2 mod by The Bloke (http://www.tessource.net/files/file.php?id=4311)


Even if the answer is obvious, like referring me to another post or something, don't leave me without any info. Anybody?


EDIT: Posts merged. Bumping is against the rules, so please don't do it. Thanks. ^^


- Switch

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Alright. I have searched the forums, and think I have found all the answers out there. If you read this, thanks. For nothing. If any ADMIN reads this who has thought about closing off this thread, I don't plan on checking it again, and nobody seems to be adding to it...so go ahead. Please. I don't need it and it's just a waste of cyberspace right now. :glare:
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