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Lots of issues!


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I figured it would be better to bundle these together rather than make a separate post for each one.


Too Dark: When I play Morrowind windowed, the gamma slider has no effect and the game is extremely dark. I'm all for immersion, but at night and in many interiors I literally can't see what's in front of me. Going full screen resolves this issue, but alt tabbing constantly causes stability problems.


MGE Won't Fullscreen: Also, I can't fullscreen with MGE enabled. The screen just goes black. So in order to play, I have to get rid of MGE and go fullscreen. Otherwise everything is too dark to manage.


Hllaalu With Beast Race: I play an Ungen, a custom rat race (heh, rat race..). She is a sneaky little backstabbing thief and as such makes perfect sense to be House Hllaalu. Unfortunately the first quest is 'Disguise', which involves wearing a helmet to impersonate someone. The issue is that beast races can't use full-helms. Argonians and Khajiit do not even get offered this quest for that reason. Is there some way to work around this? A temporary toggle to get the NPC to consider me Argonian/Khajiit and skip this mission? A console command to give me the item she wants and/or complete the quest? A way to temporarily stick the helm on anyway regardless of my twitchy little snout sticking out of it?

I really want to be House Hllaalu!

Edited by Oestaira
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