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I'm working on a mod that changes the HUD in oblivion, i do know that people have done this but i wanted to add my own style to the playing field. So far i have gotten the target reticule, the sneak icon, and the HP,HP,FT bars redone although the stats bars aren't in the latest update. I'm putting them in the next one. However, i am having problem finding 1 file that i need to complete this mod. I'm missing the mini hp bar that appears above the reticule when fighting a creature or person, I've looked all over the BSA files and i can't find it. So for someone that is interested in helping me, please locate that file or find out what it's called and i will be quite appreciative, and of course your name will be added in the credits for assisting me.


So, for the ones that do help, thanks in advance.

Edited by izJasonHD
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