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Crafted Stun Gun Art Assets?


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Would anybody be willing and able to make the mesh and texture for a stun gun? I've got the weapon itself to work in my mod thanks to a lot of scripts, effects and playtesting, it's just the art assets I'm missing at the moment - up to now I've been using the Plasma Pistol but this looks out of place and doesn't fit the backstory of the weapon.


Like the game's custom/crafted weapons, the Stun Gun is supposed to have been cobbled together from junk and spare parts, so ideally it would have a fairly haphazard look. In gameplay terms it is a melee weapon and needs to be in contact with the target, however to make it work in-game and keep it balanced it has actually been implemented as a one-handed Energy Weapons pistol using Small Energy Cells as ammo.


I'm hopeless in Blender and not much better in Nifskope (though I did try to think about trying to assemble a crude version of the weapon using the paint gun, conductors and pilot lights). I'd really appreciate it if somebody could take a stab at making this.

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