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Problem with the GECK


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The problem I'm having is that the GECK won't load any files, like at all. I've used it before but it's been awhile since I played FNV or modded. Everytime I try to load the files they don't, and they are no longer selected when I try again. I don't know what the problem is. My game is installed on a USB drive if that has anything to do with it.
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The problem I'm having is that the GECK won't load any files, like at all. I've used it before but it's been awhile since I played FNV or modded. Everytime I try to load the files they don't, and they are no longer selected when I try again. I don't know what the problem is. My game is installed on a USB drive if that has anything to do with it.


your GECK is out of date. If your game recently patched to 1.4 version, you should also update your GECK to 1.4 version. I believe it is uploaded in GECK webpage.

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I tried reinstalling with the GECK I downloaded from the New Vegas GECK webpage I found by looking on the steam forums, but that didn't work. I tried to install the 1.5 update but it keeps failing. And I have no clue where to find an updated version for NV.
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