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Does GECK hate large bodies of placeable water?


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I want to put a lake (only part of which will be in the playable area) and a few creeks/small rivers into a project I'm working on. When I fool around with the land and water heights, it puts a huge black square over everything if the water height is less than -100000 or so (land height is -2048 like all the tutorials say to do, which is the same as the Capital Wasteland), so I decided to use placeable water instead. Big mistake, that. Worked fine when I was experimenting with putting a small pond on another part of the map, but when I scaled the pieces up to make the lake, after placing a few I got a black square. Then GECK started crashing so much I would save every time I duplicated or placed a piece. I've had black squares show up before, and disappear when I restarted my system, so I tried that. Didn't work. Finally I just deleted all the water pieces. I figure I'll put off adding the water for now. Plenty of other stuff that needs to be done anyway.


So what am I doing wrong? And how do I correct it and still get the water on the map?



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hmm, is this a new world space, could be you have specified the texture for the water, but you could have corupted your mod perhapes, it can be a number of things, were you zoomed out a bit?, was the sky on ?
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