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Is there a way to mod Sun Damage as a Weapon Enchantment?


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I'm looking for a way to mod a weapon to afflict enemies with a Sun Damage debuff, since it seems like a fairly cool, if gimmicky, effect.


On the topic, can making a weapon afflict one with the Sun Damage debuff be done?


Is it possible to modify what Sun exposure does with the Sun Damage mechanic for it to be a positive effect?

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I'm only wanting to do it in the construction set: but I haven't found out how.


It isn't listed in with the other on-hit effects, and I haven't the faintest idea how I would add it as a script effect.


How do you add Sun Damage as an effect a weapon applies to an enemy on-hit?

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Looks like I was wrong, you can only put Sun Damage as an effect on apparel and scroll (not sure what that would be) enchantments. So I guess a way around this is to put a scripted enchantment effect on your weapon. The script should have the actor equip an item that has a Sun Damage effect. The item that's equipped should have a script that tells it to remove itself after it's been equipped for however many seconds you want the effect to last.
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Do you have any ideas on how to make an enemy equip an item that cannot be seen, doesn't take up an item slot, and goes away after a time?


I think I might be able to find the code for the last bit in bound weapons, but I'm honestly not sure how the rest would work.

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What slot do the prison handcuffs you start out with have? Could they be made invisible?


Or would it be possible to have the script give the enemy an ability with the sun damage effect, then remove it?

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The handcuffs take up the hands slot. But yes, it's possible to give the enemy an ability with the sun damage effect and then have it remove itself. Sorry, I only looked at enchantment effects and forgot to check the other stuff.


You would first have to create the ability with the Sun Damage effect (let's call it SunDamageAbility for now). Then you have to create a magic effect script for your weapon enchantment:


scriptname WeaponEnchantmentScript

Begin ScriptEffectStart

AddSpell SunDamageAbility


Begin ScriptEffectFinish

RemoveSpell SunDamageAbility



Then you add that script as the script effect of your weapon enchantment.

Edited by fg109
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