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This game is an early access game where you try to build the most atuomomous production line you can. You need to produce good do better get recources, power machines, fend of aliens and generally just because its fun. Look it up on steam if your interested but its pretty complicated and very thourough in what you can do and how you set up your factories.

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I've been keeping my eye on it. Looks like plenty of fun but I avoid Early Access games now. I can't support how the bad eggs can get away with never fulfilling their end. Even while Factorio looks great, it's just principle at this point. Any idea when it will be off of Early Access?

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In this particular case, I would say that the majority of the standard "early access" issues do not apply here. The current version of the game is feature rich, and is mostly just missing some multiplayer stuff and a bit of polish and bug fixing. It even has a fairly thriving mod community. I would put it at a similar level of Rimworld or Minecraft's "early access" model. Updates and information from the developer have been regular and informative, and the majority of content present has a "mostly complete" feeling to it.

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