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This isn't really a request, i am just sharing my thoughts here not sure where to place this post/thread:

would it be possible to make such a mod that will allow to seamlessly switch characters, say you play as the protagonist but change to play as a companion

and while you are playing as the companion the protagonist becomes A.I controlled and functions as a typical companion would(Trade and when given commands etc)

and when you play as the companion character you will be hearing the currently controlled companion character's lines spoken during combat and other actions(alcohol use,lock picking and theft etc)

GTA V's character change is an example to explain more or less the idea of the whole thing, but obviously in Fallout 4 it should work differently, maybe with some trigger that

does the character change when the protagonist is near a companion character. As i said this isn't really a request, it is just a thought i had when i heard about the release of Fallout 4's

Creation Kit and wondered if this whole idea will be possible and if anyone will be interested, i would like to hear other people's thoughts, opinions and ideas on this etc.

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Maybe you could do this but with multiple profiles. Like you switch between the characters you made in game?

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It's possible but it would be a ton of work to do. Personally I wouldn't say it's worth it unless the author either really enjoys a challenge for its own sake or has a really great use for the mod in mind. It's theoretically possible though.

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